2/10/22 ✨ Moon Trine Sun + Saturn

✨ Happy Jupiter Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I move through uncertainty with patience and ease.

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The Gemini moon keeps our mind stimulated and our mood changing. We’ll enjoy being around others and socializing, but don’t be surprised if all your personalities come out to play today.


We could get a burst of energy overnight or wake up feeling especially tired. While the Gemini moon makes us feel like socializing, our energy level is not on the same page. We will either be over-ambitious or under-motivated under this awkward aspect and we’re definitely prone to overthinking. However, this transit gives us an opportunity to gather new information and make any adjustments needed for our actions to make a lasting impact.


As Venus and Mars transit alongside each other, the moon connects with both planets first thing Thursday morning. With Venus still in her shadow period, this could bring any unresolved relationship issues to the forefront. There’s an imbalance between our emotional needs and ability to give and receive love. We have an opportunity to talk things out with the moon in Gemini, but this transit also causes tension. Try not to let your passion (or your rational mind) get the best of you.


We can return to our senses by midday as the Gemini moon harmonizes with Saturn in Aquarius. This helps us return to practicality, patience and responsibility. This could also be an opportunity to take time away to clear your mind and resolve any heightened emotions from earlier in the day by slowing down and finding stillness.


Expect confusion or delusion on Thursday night as the moon and Neptune come into a 90º angle. This transit makes it easy to fall down the rabbit hole or drift off into a fantasy. With the moon in Gemini, we’re more likely to find ourselves in social situations. Be careful not to overindulge in drugs or alcohol- especially if you’re prone to addictive tendencies. It’s very east to get lost under this aspect.


Thursday ends with a harmonious angle between the moon and Sun, giving us a boost of confidence. Our inner emotions are flowing with our outer expression under this aspect. At the end of a chaotic day, we can find a moment of alignment and clarity.


The energy could feel a bit chaotic today under the Gemini moon. As la luna makes uncomfortable connections to Venus and Mars, it might feel like we’re not quite ready to make a move or we’re not fully aligned with our values. A flowing angle between the moon and Saturn helps us slow the mercurial pace of the day and stay grounded amid this airy and uncertain Aquarius season. By Thursday night, the moon squares off to Neptune, forcing us into fantasy mode and clouding our judgment. As the clock strikes midnight, the moon and sun lock into a harmonious connection, giving us a boost of confidence and clarity. This sets the stage for breakthroughs as Mercury and Pluto meet up in Capricorn tomorrow.

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


2/11/22 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Pluto


2/9/22 ✨ Moon Enters Gemini