Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

6/17/23 ✨ New Moon in Gemini

Tonight’s New Moon in Gemini opens us to new possibilities! With the sun and moon meeting in the sign of communication, sharing our ideas with friends can help them blossom. Writing and speaking our intentions gives them extra power. This new moon squares Neptune, sparking our imagination and forcing us to see the magic all around us. A supportive connection between Mercury and Venus brings sweetness into our interactions throughout the day, making it easier to notice the beauty all around us and share what’s on our heart. Meanwhile, Saturn begins his annual retrograde today. Even amidst the business of Gemini Season, Saturn’s directional switch slows the pace, allowing us to pause and take it all in. Wisdom lies in moments of stillness.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

8/27/22 ✨ New Moon in Virgo

Happy New Moon! We begin a new lunar cycle under the Virgo moon, wiping the slate clean and giving us a fresh start. This is the perfect new moon to get clear on our intentions and then set them into motion. Our health and habits are in focus, making this a powerful moment to start a new routine. And with this new moon squaring Mars, we have ample motivation to take action! But there’s a fine line between making moves and ruffling feathers with Mars in the mix. Watch out for being overly critical or harsh- a notorious trait associated with Virgo energy.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

6/28/22 ✨ New Moon in Cancer

The Cancer New Moon asks us to tap into our truest emotions as we envision the next chapter. But as much as we’re in our feelings, we’re also in our power because the new moon joins forces with Lilith. Venus also connects with Jupiter at the time of the new moon, marking a powerful moment for manifestation. But the moon is just one of the headlines… Neptune also stations retrograde today!

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