8/27/22 ✨ New Moon in Virgo

✨ Happy Saturn Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: My intentions are pure.

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🌑 NEW MOON IN VIRGO ♍️ (4º) 1:16 AM PT

The Virgo New Moon provides a clean slate. We can look to the future with fresh eyes and set pure intentions. As we call in our desires for the cycle ahead, clearly envisioning the details can strengthen our manifestation practice. But furthermore, the work we do under this new moon can have a profound impact on the people around us as Virgo is the sign of service. Ask not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others. We'll feel excited about the work ahead and all that we can accomplish. Whatever you intend to manifest under this New Moon can be supercharged by the magic of the Pisces Full Moon in two weeks!

♍️ NEW MOON SQUARE ♊️ MARS (4º) 2:00 AM PT

This new moon is squaring Mars, giving us a burst of motivation to put our intentions into action. Just be sure not to set expectations so high you stress yourself out with the pressure to achieve them! We can feel restless under this harsh 90º angle. You might even have a difficult time sleeping on Friday night. This energy feels a bit like being a kid on Christmas morning. There’s a lot of excitement and energy around this new moon. A morning work-out could be in order right when you wake up to burn off any anxiousness and enter the new moon cycle with a clear head.




Happy New Moon! We begin a new lunar cycle under the Virgo moon, wiping the slate clean and giving us a fresh start. This is the perfect new moon to get clear on our intentions and then set them into motion. Our health and habits are in focus, making this a powerful moment to start a new routine. And with this new moon squaring Mars, we have ample motivation to take action! But there’s a fine line between making moves and ruffling feathers with Mars in the mix. Watch out for being overly critical or harsh- a notorious trait associated with Virgo energy. With Venus pulling away from Uranus, upsets and disruptions are certainly possible. Instead of trying to control the situation or overanalyzing what’s going wrong, channel your energy into service. How can the intentions you set and actions you take under this new moon benefit others? Cleaning your home or moving your body can be great outlets for anxious energy today.


You can scrub through the video at the top of the page for a more detailed breakdown on how the new moon will affect each sign!✨

(refer to your rising or sun sign)

♍️ VIRGO: This new moon feels like a rebirth for you, Virgo. As you celebrate another revolution around your own astrology chart, set clear intentions about who you want to become during your next lap around the sun.

♌️ LEO: Get clear on what’s truly important to you. When you’re rooted in your values, you become a magnet for your desires. Ask yourself why you want to call in the physical abundance you’re craving.

♋️ CANCER: Crystal clear communication is on your side this new moon. New information is easily digested now, so set intentions around what you want to learn and who you want learn from. Starting your studies now could lead to mastering a new skill by the full moon in six months.

♊️ GEMINI: Get back to your roots. There, you will find clarity. This new moon asks you to analyze your lineage and decide what traditions and patterns you want to carry on. In the same breath, where do you want to wipe the slate clean and start your own rituals.

♉️ TAURUS: How can you have more fun in your day-to-day life, Taurus? Sure, you have the grit and determination to get down to business, but life isn’t all about work. Find ways to incorporate play into your every day routine.

♈️ ARIES: This new moon offers a beautiful opportunity to start a new wellness routine. What small, daily habits can you incorporate to enhance your overall wellness? Whether it’s journaling every morning or sweating at least once a day, set goals you know you can stick to.

♓️ PISCES: Your relationships are in focus under this new moon. How can you better serve the people you’re already connected to? Where are you giving too much? Get clear on the expectations you have for yourself and others in partnerships. This can help you call in more aligned connections in the next cycle.

♒️ AQUARIUS: Virgo might be the sign of the virgin, but you’re ready to dive between the sheets this new moon. This isn’t just an opportunity to create deeper bonds with others though, it’s also a moment to get intimate with yourself. What are you hiding from? Bring it into the light as the moon becomes more illuminated over the coming weeks.

♑️ CAPRICORN: Big plans are in the cards for you under this new moon! Intentions that seem grandiose are totally possible for you. Book the trip! Enroll in the course! This is the time to commit to expansion. You just might surprise yourself how much you can accomplish over the next six months.

♐️ SAGITTARIUS: An audit of your long-term goals is in order, Sag. With a critical eye, ask yourself if your dreams reflect who you’re becoming. Remember, it’s okay to adjust course. Clear intentions now will lead to greater success in the coming year.

♏️ SCORPIO: How can you best serve your community? With this new moon in the sign of service, you are given an opportunity to reflect on who you surround yourself with and how you contribute to the group. Sharing your unique gifts can create a bigger impact than you might think.

♎️ LIBRA: Now is the time for healing. Anything that’s been weighing heavy in your heart or mind can be released now. Under the new moon, hold a vision of yourself as healthy and abundant. See yourself as healed. This will signal to the universe (and your body) that you are ready to be reborn in Libra season.

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