Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

5/7/24 ✨ Gemini New Moon

Our mind is our most powerful tool for manifestation under this New Moon. Venus joins the sun and moon as they meet in Gemini, bringing our attention to our desires. If we can perceive it, we can receive it. Using our words intentionally can be a powerful ritual. Write or speak what you want to create in this next cycle. Or better yet, find a trusted witness to share your vision. Remember- our words carry great energy. Be clear and detailed about what you’re calling in. When you ask, the Universe listens.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

10/19/22 ✨ Sun + Venus Square Pluto

Shadows come to light this Wednesday as Venus and the sun square Pluto. This tense trifecta marks a powerful turning point in relationships and in our sense of purpose- but this transformation might not come easy. As these three planets lock into a 90º angle, subconscious patterns are forced in the surface. It will be tempting to try to manipulate others to feel a sense of control. Instead, focus on what you can release in order to make way for new energy to be birthed. Remember- relationships are simply mirrors of our internal experience.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

💫 Venus Cazimi

Venus Cazimi - a moment to align with love. 💫As the planet of love passes through the heart of the sun in Capricorn on Saturday night, we have an opportunity for a breakthrough in relationships or finances. Venus is reborn as a Morning Star, marking the beginning of a new 8-year cycle.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

1/8/22 ✨ Sun Conjunct Venus

The Capricorn sun merges with Venus, amplifying our love and desire. Venus is retrograde, asking us to reflect on long-term commitments and investments. This is a great day to revisit your personal values.

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