💫 Venus Cazimi


Venus Cazimi marks the midpoint of the planet of love’s 40-day backspin through Capricorn. Venus stationed retrograde on December 19 and doesn’t station direct again until January 29. This extra-long transit through the sign of the goat asks us to examine our long-term commitments and investments.

But what is a Cazimi?

For the past week(ish), Venus has been invisible in the night sky because is it so close to the sun. During this time, the planet of love is transiting through the depths of the underworld (especially as she pulls away from her conjunction to Pluto on Christmas.) We were asked to release and let go of patterns and attachments in love, money, and beauty. Over the past 8 days, Venus’s influence seems to be burned out by the rays of the sun, making it more difficult to lean into loving (or feminine) energy.

But as Venus passes through the exact heart of the sun, we feel a shift. Her powers are illuminated, almost overpowering the sun for a moment. This can bring breakthroughs surrounding romance and finance.

Saturday night (or Sunday morning depending on where you live) is a time to appreciate the beauty of life and lean back into love. Look to your own Venus sign for clues on how to best lean into this energy!!

Venus’ retrograde continues through the end of January, though, meaning it won’t be all roses and perfume moving forward. The next 20 days bring more opportunities to reassess our long-term commitments, but we can do so now with renewed optimism as Venus becomes a Morning Star. She is now the light bringer as she appears in the dawn just before the sunrise each morning.

By the time Venus stations direct on January 29, we will have more clarity on what we value and what we truly desire long-term.

Venus’ transitions from Evening Star to Morning Star also begins a new 8-year cycle until this moment happens in Capricorn again. This is a new era of love. This is a new era of wealth. This is a new era of beauty.


Pay attention to which house is ruled by Capricorn in your natal chart. That will give you insight into which area of your life this Cazimi (and Venus retrograde in general) is activating.

Harness the power of the Cazimi by leaning into your own Venus sign!!!

VENUS IN CAPRICORN - lean into family, reach out to a relative

VENUS IN AQUARIUS - share your unique musical or artistic style with your community

VENUS IN PISCES - get sentimental, express your love through creativity

VENUS IN ARIES - move your body! exercise, dance, or even have a little competition

VENUS IN TAURUS - lean into luxury, have a beautiful meal, take a bath, or enjoy the finer things in life

VENUS IN GEMINI - be around friends, learn, have conversations about love, beauty, and money,

VENUS IN CANCER - call your mom, nurture yourself and others, beautify your home

VENUS IN LEO - dance, play, perform, have fun!!

VENUS IN VIRGO - do a random act of kindness, lean into service, clean up your aesthetic

VENUS IN LIBRA - be in relationship - romantic or platonic, find balance

VENUS IN SCORPIO - have sex or give yourself pleasure, perform a witchy ritual

VENUS IN SAGITTARIUS - be the life of the party! Go out, have fun, be extra

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


1/9/22 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Aries


1/8/22 ✨ Sun Conjunct Venus