9/3/23 ✨ Venus Stations Direct
This Sun day invites us to reflect on the wisdom we’ve gained. As Venus wraps up her 40-day retrograde, she sits at an uncomfortable standstill today. It could feel like our relationships and finances are stagnant too. This pause gives us a moment to assess our values and how they align with the life we’re currently living. The Aries moon squares Pluto this morning, making it tempting to try to force or control anything that’s not moving as quickly as we’d like. Outbursts and power struggles are possible. When the waning moon enters Taurus, we can relax into a slower pace more easily. Connect with nature and give anything no longer serving you back to Mother Earth. There’s mastery in letting go.
7/22/23 ✨ Leo Season Begins & Venus Stations Retrograde
The transition from Cancer Season to Leo Season marks a powerful moment. As the sun exits the sign of the crab, it makes a tense T-square to the North and South Nodes, creating a fated turning point in our consciousness. We must release what we think we new in order to open to new awareness. At nearly the same time as the sun makes his homecoming into Leo, Venus starts her 40-day retrograde. We can expect a review of our passion, sensuality, feminine energy, and relationships over the coming weeks.
1/26/22 ✨ Venus Rx Trine Uranus
We start to feel the effects of an almost-trine between Venus and Uranus. Expect an awareness of the subtle changes happening within your relationships, finances, and what you consider beautiful. The Scorpio moon makes beautiful connections, helping us release and transform.
1/25/22 ✨ Mercury Rx Moves Back into Capricorn
When Mercury (retrograde) moves back into Capricorn, expect more serious and practical expression, even during eccentric Aquarius season. The last quarter moon in Scorpio allows us to release energetic attachments.
1/14/22 ✨ Mercury Stations Retrograde
Retrograde Season has arrived! Mercury- the planet of communication, travel, and technology- begins its backspin in the sign of Aquarius, bringing our attention to global matters and forcing us to make revisions in those areas through the end of the month.
1/11/22 ✨ Mars Square Neptune
As Mars and Neptune square off to one another, we could feel confused about the direction we’re heading. The waxing moon in Taurus makes six different connections throughout the day and nearly all of them bring a potential for restlessness or negativity. Self-care, or rest can help ease the tension.
💫 Venus Cazimi
Venus Cazimi - a moment to align with love. 💫As the planet of love passes through the heart of the sun in Capricorn on Saturday night, we have an opportunity for a breakthrough in relationships or finances. Venus is reborn as a Morning Star, marking the beginning of a new 8-year cycle.
1/8/22 ✨ Sun Conjunct Venus
The Capricorn sun merges with Venus, amplifying our love and desire. Venus is retrograde, asking us to reflect on long-term commitments and investments. This is a great day to revisit your personal values.
1/5/22 ✨ Venus Sextile Neptune
Positive connections in the stars make for a lovely Wednesday! Neptune and Venus form a sexy sextile with one another, making romance and love the focus. Life will feel a little more beautiful. Just be careful not to make judgments through rose-colored glasses… especially when it comes to exes or past lovers…