1/14/22 ✨ Mercury Stations Retrograde

✨ Happy Venus Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I am intentional in my communication.



Messenger Mercury begins her backspin through Aquarius for the next three weeks. Mercury rules our communication and travel, making this transit notorious for obstacles in these areas. Double check itineraries and choose words wisely. Miscommunication is on the menu!

Technology issues are also very likely over the next three weeks, as the planet of technology moves backwards through Aquarius (the sign of technology and the collective). Information about humanitarian issues and technology (ie. vaccines, pandemic) will likely dominate the headlines through the end of the month.

Venus is also still retrograde until January 29, making the next two weeks a powerful time to review commitments and communication tactics and make any revisions needed to keep climbing towards your long-term goals.

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The Gemini moon allows us to use our words to express our emotions. Journaling or talking can be powerful tools for processing your feelings.

♊️MOON QUINCUNX ♑️VENUS (retrograde) (2:00 AM PT)

The moon makes an awkward connection to Venus (retrograde) just before Mercury stations retrograde as well. This brings an emotional awareness to the retrograde energy. You might feel like you’re waking up in the past as you adjust to ‘life on rewind.’


The moon meets up with Black Moon Lilith, marking the point in the moon’s cycle when it is farthest from earth. In astronomy, this is called apogee. It’s considered a weak point as the moon moves more slowly in our night sky the farther it is from us. This is a time to slow down and pay attention to your shadows. Black Moon Lilith reminds is it is what make us different that makes us powerful.


The moon forms a harsh angle to Neptune, causing a clash between our intellectual ability to process emotions and our sensitivity. It could be easy to get carried away on a feeling without knowing all the facts. Journaling or creative expression can help you move emotions productively. This is not a time to take action.


And speaking of action…. the Gemini moon faces off in an opposition to Mars on Friday night, making us more impulsive and reactive. We could feel a need to do something if we’re feeling anxious or irritated. Channel excess energy into movement.


The moon forms an imbalanced angle to the sun by Friday night, which could leave us feeling a bit out of sorts. It could be more challenging to express emotions or understand why we’re experiencing certain feelings.


Retrograde Season has arrived! As of Friday morning, Mercury, Venus, and Uranus are all retrograde at the same time, triggering the deja vu. If it seems like your world is on rewind, you’re not alone. Mercury- the planet of communication, travel, and technology- begins its backspin in the sign of Aquarius, bringing our attention to global matters and forcing us to make revisions in those areas through the end of the month. Meanwhile, the Gemini moon is as far from the Earth as possible, activating Black Moon Lilith and bringing out our dark side. The moon clashes with Neptune and Mars, clouding our emotions and making us more irritable or impulsive. Be intentional in your communication and give others grace.


You can scrub through the video at the top of the page for a more detailed breakdown on how Mercury Rx will affect each sign!✨

(refer to your rising or sun sign)

♒️AQUARIUS: Mercury begins its backspin in your first house, making it feel like you’re falling back into a previous version of yourself. As you prepare to start a new chapter, don’t be afraid to look back into the archives and resurrect parts of your personality you’ve forgotten about.

♑️CAPRICORN: This Mercury Rx could have you backpedaling (or just worrying) about your financial investments. Keep in mind, Venus is retrograde in your first house, bringing a review of your values. Over the next three weeks, think about what success truly means to you.

♐️SAGITTARIUS: Mercury is going retrograde in your third house of communication, bringing the potential for verbal spats. Although you' prefer to be carefree when speaking with others, the next few weeks are a time to slow down and assess if you’re communicating as effectively as you can.

♏️SCORPIO: This Mercury Rx activates your house of home and family, which could unlock childhood memories. If there are any skeleton’s in the closet, it could feel like they’re coming back to haunt you. You can use this Mercury Rx to heal your inner-child and pay attention to how you’re parenting yourself.

♎️LIBRA: Your fifth house of creative expression and joy is activated by Mercury Rx in Aquarius. You might find your inner-child taking the wheel when communicating. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing…. tap into your imagination and think outside the box.

♍️VIRGO: You might find yourself doing research about your health and wellness over the next three weeks. New information could come to light that changes your perspective. This Mercury Rx might feel like it’s throwing off your routine. Stay flexible, Virgo.

♌️LEO: Don’t text your ex, Leo. With this Mercury Rx falling in your house of relationships, it will be tempting to revisit past lovers or friends. Recognize how much you’ve grown as an individual. Perspective is everything.

♋️CANCER: This Mercury Rx could feel like a bit of an energetic drain. Power plays are definitely possible for you as this transit moves through your 8th house. Protect your energy by seeking internal peace.

♊️GEMINI: Travel could bring obstacles with Mercury transiting through your adventurous 9th house. Double and triple check reservations and itineraries. Wait to plan any major trips until February.

♉️TAURUS: You’ll be very aware of your progress in your career as Mercury begins its backspin in your 10th house. We know you have solid goals, Taurus. Remember to have patience while working towards them. Trust that everything is working in divine timing.

♈️ARIES: State of the world feel like you’re seeing deja vu? This Mercury Rx affects your house of collective causes. Communication among groups of people/friends could go haywire. Stay open to new perspectives and sllooowwww down.

♓️PISCES: Mercury goes retrograde in your 12th house, activating past lives. You might have flashes of insight or dreams about people or places that feel familiar. A past life regression reading could give you clarity about your purpose in this lifetime.

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