Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

1/14/22 ✨ Mercury Stations Retrograde

Retrograde Season has arrived! Mercury- the planet of communication, travel, and technology- begins its backspin in the sign of Aquarius, bringing our attention to global matters and forcing us to make revisions in those areas through the end of the month.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/11 + 12/12 ✨ Venus Conjunct Pluto

We have a jam-packed weekend in the solar system! Venus merges with Pluto, bringing a dose of intensity to love and relationships. Messenger Mercury gets support from Jupiter, helping us to make long-term plans and understand big concepts. By the end of the weekend, the Sun forms a harsh angle to Neptune, bringing down our energy and clouding our confidence.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/4 + 12/5 ✨ Mercury Opposite Lilith

The energy of Friday night’s solar eclipse stays with us as the moon continues its transit through Sagittarius on Saturday. Watch your words… when Mercury opposes Lilith, our inner-bitch could enter the chat. When the waxing crescent moon moves into Capricorn on Sunday, we can get into preparation mode for the week ahead.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

11/27 + 11/28 ✨ Sun Conjunct Mercury

This weekend might make it feel like you’re operating at two speeds: “go-go-go” and “I don’t know.” As the Sagittarius sun merges with busy Mercury, it can be easy to start filling up our calendar and making social plans for the holiday season. Meanwhile, the Virgo moon makes us feel like we want to get sh*t done and cross off our to-do list.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

11/18/21 ✨ Mercury Trine Neptune + Venus Trine Uranus

Water and earth energy will be amplified today, allowing us to check in with our emotions and get grounded before tomorrow’s lunar eclipse. Allow your imagination to take the reigns. Try something new or simply see where the day takes you. Leaning into enjoyment can help you settle into a higher vibration before eclipse season shakes things up for the next few weeks.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

11/15/21 ✨ Sun Square Jupiter

Hello Monday!! A 90º angle between the sun and Jupiter starts the week on a positive note- just don’t be too optimistic. This transit makes it easy to overextend ourselves. The moon in Aries only adds to the desire to do it all! Channel excess energy into physical movement.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

11/10/21 ✨ Mars + Mercury Square Saturn

Tension between Saturn, Mercury, and Mars could make you feel like you have one foot in the future and the other in the past. The best way to navigate this is to honor where you are right now. Focus on releasing limiting beliefs before tomorrow’s 11/11 portal.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

11/9/21 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Mars

Mercury + Mars merge, blending thoughts + actions. Communication will be fast + direct and words will hold more power. Don't get too hot-headed or lose control. As the Capricorn moon joins Pluto, anything buried deep within could resurface, especially if we’re about to level up.

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