11/9/21 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Mars

✨ Happy MARS Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I am a powerful force of nature.



Mars Day and Mercury Day will be true to their names as their ruling planets dance in a conjunction with each other Tuesday and Wednesday. The planet of communication and the planet of action merge energies. There are pros and cons to this transit…

On the upside, it can give us mental stamina. Our thoughts will be sharp and our wit will be quick. We can communicate more directly and with passion. On the downside, we could speak before thinking or let our impulses take over. We might be more argumentative or defensive in our messaging- especially with both planets transiting through intense Scorpio. Before you react, ask yourself what you’re fighting for. Remember everyone is feeling this activating energy.

These two planets will be within a degree of each other through Thursday morning, so this energy will be with us for a few days. Their exact conjunction will happen on Wednesday 11/10 at about 5:00 pm PT. We can use this to our advantage by focusing on what we want to manifest on Thursday’s 11/11 portal - there’s great power behind our thoughts + actions right now!


🌕🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔


The Capricorn moon favors practicality and preparation. Laying the groundwork for our long-term plans will feel good under this waxing crescent moon.


While the Capricorn moon can make us emotionally distant, a supportive angle to Neptune in its home sign of Pisces makes us feel nostalgic. We might get a visit from a departed loved one in our dreams- we can tap into our subconscious more easily while these two planets work together.


This morning, we might feel like we haven’t achieved as much as we want to yet… Lean into abundant Jupiter’s energy and see what it has to teach you. How can you do things a little differently or step outside the box to achieve the results you want? A little dose of optimism might be just what you need to level up.


The moon merges with transformative Pluto, bringing our deepest emotions to the surface. We’ll crave a feeling of stability under this lunation, but Pluto’s energy is anything but. Beware of lashing out on others if you’re feeling vulnerable. Look for the lesson in whatever emotions come up. Use them as tools to help you ascend. This is a chance to release something from your past that has been holding you back.


The moon is void for most of Tuesday, until it moves into Aquarius this evening. We can tie up loose ends or work on existing projects under this transit, but it’s not the best time to start anything new.

🌒MOON ➡️AQUARIUS ♒️ (7:30 PM PT)

Get ready to embrace what makes you feel eccentric and authentic over the next few days! We can use the qualities that make us stand out to take action towards our biggest visions. The moon’s harmony with the North Node late tonight allows us to check in and make sure our actions feel aligned with our highest self. We’ll enjoy being surrounded by likeminded people as we approach the first quarter moon + 11/11 portal on Thursday.


It’s time to turn it up a notch, and gaining the energy to do so will be very easy with Mercury + Mars coming into a conjunction. Thoughts + actions merge under this transit, making our communication fast and direct. There will be more power behind our words and movements, especially since these planets are merging in Scorpio. Be careful not too get too hot-headed or lose control. As the Capricorn moon forms its own conjunction to Pluto, anything hiding deep in our subconscious could resurface, especially if we’re about to level up. Sit with whatever emotions arise and remember everything is happening in divine timing. There’s no rush to take the next step. A square between Saturn, Mercury, and Mars tomorrow could present some obstacles or show us a more stable path forward.

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


11/10/21 ✨ Mars + Mercury Square Saturn


11/8/21 ✨ Crescent Moon in Capricorn