1/27/24 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Mars
We’re making sense of what we’re learning and what we want to do with this wisdom in the wake of the Leo Full Moon. Mercury meets Mars, giving us plenty of mental energy and focus. We have measured motivation today. Venus and Saturn come into a supportive sextile, asking us to lean into responsibility and maturely assess our financial and romantic investments. As the waning moon enters Virgo, we can analyze the emotions that have surfaced and make an intentional plan to release what no longer supports our ability to be of the highest service to all.
11/10/21 ✨ Mars + Mercury Square Saturn
Tension between Saturn, Mercury, and Mars could make you feel like you have one foot in the future and the other in the past. The best way to navigate this is to honor where you are right now. Focus on releasing limiting beliefs before tomorrow’s 11/11 portal.
11/9/21 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Mars
Mercury + Mars merge, blending thoughts + actions. Communication will be fast + direct and words will hold more power. Don't get too hot-headed or lose control. As the Capricorn moon joins Pluto, anything buried deep within could resurface, especially if we’re about to level up.