11/10/21 ✨ Mars + Mercury Square Saturn

✨ Happy Mercury Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: My discomfort shows me where I can grow.



Mercury’s 90º angle to Saturn brings tension or pessimism to our communications. Although our thoughts will be more rational, they may come across as cold or negative when we try to communicate with others. For this reason, it’s not the best day for collaborative conversations. We can use the energy to our advantage by honing in on the details of a project or plan. Saturn’s influence can help us ensure there are no cracks in our foundation.


Mars + Saturn clash with each other in this mashup of planets as well. This brings conflict between our courage and our fear. While Mars wants us to push forward and act, Saturn forces us to slow down and make sure we have a solid footing. Delays or obstacles could come in the form of fear or limiting beliefs. If an elder or someone we respect expresses their worries, it will be difficult for us not to take them on as our own. This angle can also bring lessons though. Challenges can act as redirections.

Mars + Mercury form an exact conjunction tonight around 5:00 pm, so we’re still feeling the effects of their merged energies all day. We’ll have strong urges and impulses to get our point across. Thoughts and words will feel faster and more direct. Saturn’s square to both of these planets forces us to slow down and have patience, but this tension could also cause frustration or anger as an inner battle plays out.


🌕🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔


The moon moved into Aquarius last night, bringing eccentric vibes with it. Standing out and expressing what makes us different will feel good under this lunation. Envisioning our future and embracing causes we care about can nurture our soul.


As the Aquarius moon meets up with Saturn, we could start our day on a low note. When these two bodies merge, we can feel disconnected from our feelings or depressed. We might be focused on the version of ourselves we want to become rather than appreciating who we are in this moment.

At the same time as this conjunction, the moon forms a square to Mercury + Mars. While we might feel emotionally distant, our words + actions will be intense. We might say or do things that conflict with our core principles.

While Mars + Mercury want to charge forward as quickly as possible, the moon and Saturn bring doubt and negativity. This transit could definitely make us question ourselves or what we truly want out of life. Sit with uncomfortable emotions and extract the lesson. Be patient with yourself. Ask what work still needs to be done for your 11/11 manifestations to come to fruition.


The Aquarius moon gets some support from Chiron in Aries by this afternoon. This can help us remind ourselves of the challenges we’ve already overcome. Today’s challenging transits could cause trauma responses, but a supportive angle to the Wounded Healer helps us observe discomfort from a higher perspective. Lessons learned in the past can benefit us in the present.


By mid-afternoon, our inner rebel takes center stage. As if today’s energy wasn’t uncomfortable enough, disruptor Uranus forms a hard angle to the moon, making us crave freedom and excitement. If we faced our responsibilities this morning, we’ll want to do the exact opposite tonight. Don’t act out or make changes impulsively just to prove a point or get a burst of endorphins. This discomfort is only temporary.


Holy moly! What a doozie of a day! Tension between Saturn, Mercury, and Mars could make you feel like you have one foot in the future and the other in the past. The best way to navigate this is to honor where you are right now. Pay attention to negative emotions- they can show you where growth is possible. How can you give more energy to your authentic desires? What’s holding you back? Focus on releasing beliefs that do not support what you want to manifest on tomorrow’s 11/11 portal. The first quarter moon in Aquarius moon can help us get clear on our vision for the future. Tomorrow, we can take action.

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11/11/21 ✨ The most powerful manifesting day of the year!


11/9/21 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Mars