11/11/21 ✨ The most powerful manifesting day of the year!

✨ Happy Jupiter Day!


When I tune into the energy of abundance, I can manifest my wildest dreams.

Before we get to today’s transits… let’s talk about the energy behind this powerful day!

NUMEROLOGY: the number 11

In numerology, 11 is what’s called a master number. The number one represents beginnings; when it’s doubled, its energy is amplifies. 11 is known as the Visionary because it helps us tap into inspiration. It’s also called the ‘Psychic Master’ because it is tied to spirituality and psychic abilities. 11/11 is the number one magnified by four, making it an even powerful expression of this energy.

This year (2021) has been a 5 year in numerology. 5 energy brings exploration, instability and change- we’ve certainly experienced plenty of this so far! While it’s been a bit tumultuous, 2021 has also birthed new ideas and allowed us to push boundaries.

Today (11/11/21) is a 9 day, representing the culmination of the wisdom we’ve gained so far. All of our experiences have prepared us for this moment. We can now close a current chapter and call in what we want to manifest in the next one.

The key to unlocking the numerology of this day is holding a vision of what you’re calling in. This is the beginning of the creation process. 2022 will bring great potential to start building what you envision today.

SPIRITUALITY: the significance of 11•11

In the spiritual community, seeing or 11:11 represents a connection to the divine. It can be viewed as a wake-up code, reminding us of our place in the universe. Seeing 11:11 also indicates that whatever you were thinking or doing at that moment is supported by your guides.

Some believe 11/11 creates a gateway to the heavens, allowing us to download powerful light activation codes from the universe. It’s known to supercharge manifestations and harness the law of attraction.

The 11/11 portal is an opportunity to align to a higher vibration and step into the energy of what we want to manifest.



On a day when we look to the future and boldly declare our desires to the universe, we’ll have some help expressing with power thanks to Mercury in Scorpio. But an awkward angle to Wounded Healer Chiron could bring past trauma into the present moment. Don’t let it throw you off balance. You have already faced the issues you’re reflecting on. They are no longer in alignment with the version of yourself you’re calling in on this powerful day. Appreciate the lesson, but leave the pain. This energy could also allow for a eye-opening conversation.


🌕🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔


The first quarter moon Aquarius moon helps us attune to a higher vibration on this powerful day for manifestation. We can use the first quarter moon to take action on our desires, even if that just means journaling about what we want to call in our taking a small step in the right direction. This moon transit can remind us to make sure our intentions benefit the collective, not just ourselves. Aquarius rules the 11th house in astrology, amplifying the power of 11/11 even more!


We start the day with a 90º angle between the Aquarius moon and the Scorpio sun. This can create tension between our head and our heart. We might wake up and make decisions that challenge how we truly feel internally. Or our emotions will feel like they require action. Pay attention to any strong messages, but don’t mistake intuition for ego- an Aquarius moon can be a bit of a head game.


This is the perfect energy to boost our 11:11 manifestations! (It is Jupiter Day after all…) Jupiter is the planet of good fortune, expansion and abundance. This is the day to book that trip in 2022. Envision the best possible scenario for the year ahead. Lean into the optimistic vibes and do something that makes you feel good while you’re at it. of emotion, good fortune 🙏 - perfect for getting into the energy to manifest


The moon is void for the rest of the day after it connects with Pluto around 2:00 pm. Make sure you do any manifestation or magic Thursday morning. Intentions set in the afternoon won’t hold as much power.


Everything in your life has led you to this point. After a year full of change and tension, we have arrived at the most powerful day for manifestation. 🙏 We are closer to the spiritual realm during Scorpio season and more in control of our energy. The numerological and spiritual principles behind 11/11 will boost our manifestations! And the planets align perfectly for us to step into the energy of abundance. The first quarter moon in Aquarius invites us to take action towards our big vision and think about the future. Any difficult emotions in the early morning will feel like the distant past when the Aquarius moon joins Jupiter around 11 AM. 11:11 will be a powerful moment to declare your desires to the Universe. ✨

**The next few days are the last opportunity to do manifestation rituals before eclipse season starts next week through mid-December. Set bold intentions for 2022 today!

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


11/12/21 ✨ Scorpio Sun Trine Neptune


11/10/21 ✨ Mars + Mercury Square Saturn