3/29/23 ✨ Sun Trine Lilith
We can’t call our power back without realizing how we’ve been giving it away. The first quarter moon in Cancer makes connections with Venus, Chiron, and Uranus. Surprises and triggers are par for the course, but if we remain grounded and flexible amidst disruption, today’s roller coaster ride might even feel a little fun and give us an entirely new perspective! As Venus comes into her annual conjunction with Uranus, big changes in love and money are to be expected over the coming days. But this evening, the sun harmonizes with Lilith, shining light on repressed desires. A hidden power source could be uncovered just in time to fuel your next big upgrade. Just try not to burn out before you even get started… Our ego is our blind spot.
11/16/22 ✨ Mercury Trine Jupiter & Sun Trine Lilith
More fortunate angles in the forecast today! The sun and Lilith harmonize, allowing us to reclaim our power and assert ourselves with confidence. Mercury and Jupiter come into that same balanced angle, expanding our mind and bringing through powerful ideas and positive thoughts. But emotionally, it’s easy to get worked up today. The last quarter moon in Leo marks the point in the moon’s cycle where we’re purging and releasing, but expressing our emotions could be more dramatic than we bargained for.
2/11/22 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Pluto
They say the truth will set you free… but first, it will piss you off. And that’s certainly the energy of this Venus Day as Mercury and Pluto come into an intense conjunction. Truths could be revealed. Secrets could be uncovered. We might feel especially rebellious and maybe even a little obsessive.