11/16/22 ✨ Mercury Trine Jupiter & Sun Trine Lilith

✨ Happy Mercury Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I am mindful in my expression.


♏️ SUN TRINE ♋️ LILITH (24º) 2:49 AM PT

A harmonious trine between the sun and Lilith shines light on our shadows, illuminating the parts of us that we’ve been repressing. Our bitchy side can certainly come out today- especially if we’re feeling protective. But there’s great power in this transit as well if we’re willing to tap into our own darkness. We can harness the parts of ourselves that have been hidden away or shut down and reclaim our sovereignty.

♏️ MERCURY TRINE ♓️ JUPITER rx (28º) 7:42 AM PT

The ideas are flowing and the pace is picking up as Mercury harmonizes with Jupiter. Our mental state benefits from inherent optimism and faith. Philosophical conversations are good for the soul and powerful realizations are possible. We’re easily excited by spontaneous thoughts too. We might feel like booking a trip or making big plans. With Mercury in Scorpio and Jupiter in Pisces, imaginative thoughts and bold expression can lead to good fortune.

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The last quarter moon in fiery Leo asks us to release through joy. Having fun is the most powerful way to shed stagnant energy and limiting beliefs. Over the next few days, the Leo moon gives us full permission to experience pleasure and let our inner child out to play. Doing so can be incredible cathartic.

♌️ MOON SQUARE ♏️ SUN AND SEXTILE ♊️ MARS rx (23º-24º) 5:00 AM PT

We wake up feeling a bit agitated as the Leo moon squares the sun. A simultaneous sextile to Mars can make us feel a bit restless. We can use Mars’ energy to our benefit by tapping into motivation and drive. Movement is our friend this morning.

♌️ MOON SQUARE ♏️ MERCURY (29º) 4:00 PM PT

There’s tension between our heart and our head as the moon and Mercury clash this afternoon. This feels like an especially volatile moment as these two planets connect at the critical 29th degree. Mood swings are possible and it’s easy to let our tongue get the best of us. Watch your words and be especially mindful about how you’re communicating. Our emotions feel more dramatic under the Leo moon and this tense aspect to Mercury might just make us want to blurt out whatever we’re feeling in the moment.


The waning crescent moon glides in to Virgo on Wednesday evening, asking us to clean shop. Virgo energy craves purity and organization. The next couple days bring a potent opportunity to clear out any stagnant energy and wipe the slate clean. Being of service to others will also feel healing and fulfilling.

♍️ MOON SQUARE ♐️ VENUS (1º) 8:00 PM PT

Late-night cravings and needy urges could pop up as the moon makes a harsh 90º angle to Venus. We tend to be more impulsive under this aspect- especially with Venus now in Sagittarius. We have an insatiable thirst for pleasure and expansion, but the modest Virgo moon could create conflict as we question what’s really good for us.




More fortunate angles in the forecast today! The sun and Lilith harmonize, allowing us to reclaim our power and assert ourselves with confidence. Mercury and Jupiter come into that same balanced angle, expanding our mind and bringing through powerful ideas and positive thoughts. But emotionally, it’s easy to get worked up today. The last quarter moon in Leo marks the point in the moon’s cycle where we’re purging and releasing, but expressing our emotions could be more dramatic than we bargained for. The moon makes tense connections to the sun and Mercury, which can make us feel anxious or moody. Watch your words and take a beat before sharing how you feel. Is there a gentler way to get your point across? The waning moon enters Virgo this evening, inviting us to clear out stagnant energy and wipe the slate clean over the coming days. A square between the moon and Venus can make us feel love hungry (or just hungry in general.) We might find ourselves battling want vs need. It’s all too easy to overindulge tonight.

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11/17/22 ✨ Mercury Enters Sagittarius


11/15/22 ✨ Venus Enters Sagittarius