11/21/22 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Venus
The last day of Scorpio season brings love and understanding as Mercury and Venus meet up. This conjunction brings loving thoughts and words and a more expansive understanding of what we want in life. It’s easier to see beauty and silver linings today. But we’ll feel an underlying level of intensity as the sun moves to the final degree of Scorpio and the moon moves to the 0º of the same sign.
11/20/22 ✨ Sun Trine Jupiter
We have abundance in the forecast this Sunday as the sun harmonizes with Jupiter! This transit allows us to easily find optimism and faith. Even with Mars and Neptune still creating confusion in the background, there’s a general sense of everything working out for our highest good. The Libra moon comes into a Grand Trine with Mars and Saturn, helping us to find our inner authority and act with diplomacy and responsibility. This is a powerful transit to set an emotional example for others.
11/19/22 ✨ Mars Square Neptune
Where are we going? What are we doing? Confusion could set in as Mars squares Neptune. This is the most tense transit during Mars’ retrograde, making us question our direction and motivation. Rather than trying to figure it all out today, embrace the fog. Checking out into a fantasy isn’t the worst idea today… The waning crescent moon moves into Libra overnight, helping us find peace in surrender.
11/18/22 ✨ Sun Sextile Pluto
The sun certainly isn’t exiting Scorpio quietly. A supportive connection to Pluto today takes us deeper into the underworld, asking us to face our own darkness in order to fully lean into the transformation unfolding. Shining light on our fears gives us the power to break free from them. But it’s easy to feel confused and irritated today as the moon makes a T-square to Mars and Neptune. We could find ourselves questioning where we’re going and what we’re doing. With the moon in Virgo, it’s easy to criticize when we’re feeling out of control.
11/17/22 ✨ Mercury Enters Sagittarius
We wake up under Mercury in Sagittarius! Big ideas and expansive conversations are in the forecast for the next three weeks. But be mindful- Mercury is in its weakest position in the sign of the archer. Watch your words and take a pause before speaking. It’s easy to blurt things out without a filter during this transit. The waning Virgo moon favors cleansing.
11/16/22 ✨ Mercury Trine Jupiter & Sun Trine Lilith
More fortunate angles in the forecast today! The sun and Lilith harmonize, allowing us to reclaim our power and assert ourselves with confidence. Mercury and Jupiter come into that same balanced angle, expanding our mind and bringing through powerful ideas and positive thoughts. But emotionally, it’s easy to get worked up today. The last quarter moon in Leo marks the point in the moon’s cycle where we’re purging and releasing, but expressing our emotions could be more dramatic than we bargained for.
11/15/22 ✨ Venus Enters Sagittarius
It’s a positive day in the Milky Way! We experience one of the most fortunate transits today as Venus makes a balanced connection to Jupiter. It’s easy to align with romance, joy, beauty, and abundance. Financial fortune and luck in love are possible. Quite simply, pleasure feels natural today… but it’s also easy to overindulge! Late tonight, Venus moves into spontaneous Sagittarius. Over the coming weeks, we’re attracted to adventure, expansion and big love. Bold displays of affection are in the cards.
11/14/22 ✨ Sun Trine Neptune & Mercury Sextile Pluto
We benefit from a positive start to the week, with nothing but fortunate aspects playing out among the planets. The sun and Neptune harmonize, wrapping up a five-day Grand Trine in water signs. This balanced connection helps us lean into compassion and empathy, while also heightening our intuition. We’re more aware of our sensitivity, but at the same time, we gain a greater understanding of our own ideals and beliefs. Mercury and Pluto make a supportive connection as well today, giving us the urge to investigate. We’re prone to researching (even obsessively) to get to the bottom of things. Both of these transits combined feel a bit like the saying “as above, so below.”
11/13/22 ✨ Venus Sextile Pluto
Profound moments in relationships are possible today. Venus and Pluto lock into a supportive sextile, helping us get more intimate. Meanwhile, we are still feeling the powerful effects of an ongoing Grand Water Trine as a stellium in Scorpio connects with Neptune and Lilith. Mercury and Lilith harmonize today and our words would sting. There’s great power behind our communication, but with great power comes great responsibility. The Cancer moon harmonizes with all of the water planets in our Grand Trine throughout the day- the sun, Neptune, Mercury and Venus.
11/12/22 ✨ Mercury Trine Neptune
Today is the day to let your mind wander as Mercury harmonizes with Neptune, amplifying our creativity and helping us blur the boundaries of our imagination. Compassionate communication is easier to come by and we express ourselves more gently under this aspect. With Mercury in secretive Scorpio though, make sure not to get carried away in a fantasy… deception is possible too. The waning moon in Cancer makes us crave security and comfort.
11/11/22 ✨ New Beginnings, Magic, and Manifestation
Welcome to the most powerful manifestation day of the year! 11/11 allows us to tap into our psychic abilities and envision new ideas, making it a potent day to declare our desires. And this year, 11/11/22 is a 1 day in numerology, marking the beginning of a new chapter. In the astrology forecast, we’re still feeling the benefits of an extended Grand Water Trine through the weekend, amplifying our intuition and creativity. But fair warning- a voice of doubt could pop up too as the sun is squaring Saturn today, bringing up fears and limiting beliefs. Use this transit to your benefit by leaning into determination and claiming responsibility for making dreams a reality.
11/10/22 ✨ Grand Trine △ Venus, Neptune & Lilith
In the wake of the intense transformation spurred by the eclipse, we get a moment to breathe a little easier and tap into our creative force. This Jupiter Day, we experience the most fortunate aspect in astrology: a Grand Trine! Venus leads a trio of planets all coming into harmonious connections with Neptune and Lilith over the coming days. This balanced triangle in water signs helps us attune our intuition and open to higher love.