11/13/22 ✨ Venus Sextile Pluto

✨ Happy SUN Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I am my own power source.


♏️ MERCURY TRINE ♋️ LILITH (23º) 12:43 AM PT

Words could sting today! Mercury harmonizes with Lilith, making it all too easy for our bitchy side to come out when we communicate. With Mercury in Scorpio, the way we express our thoughts is already prone to being harsh, but adding Lilith into the mix takes things up a notch. There’s great power in our mindset today if we use energy of this aspect wisely. We have a natural ability to influence others.

♏️ VENUS SEXTILE ♑️ PLUTO (26º) 1:40 AM PT

Relationships reach new depths as Venus and Pluto lock into a supportive angle. This transit can help us take the next, more intimate step in partnerships. New love would benefit from this surge of intense attraction. Secrets and sex are both more alluring. Profound transformative experiences are possible when we share our energy with others.

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The waning moon returns to its home sign of Cancer, allowing us to return home to our bodies and emotions. With the moon and sun coming into harmony, our feelings can flow more easily. We crave being home and connecting with people who feel safe. Our intuition is heightened over the coming days as well.

♋️ MOON SEXTILE ♉️ URANUS rx (16º) 1:00 AM PT

Craving a thrill in the middle of the night. The moon forms a sextile to Uranus, asking us to lean into excitement. We might feel anticipation as we fall asleep on Saturday night or wake up on Sunday morning.

♋️ MOON TRINE ♏️ SUN (21º) 11:00 AM PT

It’s easy to feel confident and express our feelings as the moon and sun harmonize this Sunday morning. We are tapped into our emotions and attuned to our intuition. Our inner and outer selves are balanced.

♋️ MOON TRINE ♓️ NEPTUNE rx (22º) 1:00 PM PT

It’s a powerful day for creativity and compassion. The moon forms a grand trine to the Sun and Neptune, allowing our intuition to lead us to profound insights. There’s a beautiful balance between our heart, our soul, and our imagination. The emotions that flow through today are helping us become more compassionate and confident at the same time.


The moon meets up with Lilith, putting an exclamation point on the grand trine we’ve been feeling since Thursday. Our emotions show us how we can claim our sovereignty. There’s great power in feeling our feelings. Darker emotions could surface in the process though. Have courage to witness all aspects of yourself and others.

♋️ MOON TRINE ♏️ MERCURY (24º) 5:00 PM PT

The harmonious energy continues as the moon forms a trine to Mercury. As we’re tapped into deeper awareness, we can easily express the insights coming through. Keep a journal handy. Articulating what we’re feeling now will flow naturally.

♋️ MOON OPPOSITE ♑️ PLUTO (26º) 9:00 PM PT

As the weekend comes to a close, the moon opposes Pluto. The intense emotions of the day could lead up to a transformative moment. We can feel the intense changes playing out in our life. But this transit reminds us that change is often uncomfortable. Beware of manipulating others in an attempt to feel some sort of control.

♋️ MOON TRINE ♏️ VENUS (27º) 11:00 PM PT

The weekend ends with a beautiful trine between the moon and Venus, allowing love to flow through with grace. This is the moment when relationships can reach new depths. As we get more intimate in partnerships (or even with ourselves) we can realize a deeper capacity for love.




Profound moments in relationships are possible today. Venus and Pluto lock into a supportive sextile, helping us get more intimate. Seduction comes naturally and intense attraction is par for the course. Meanwhile, we are still feeling the powerful effects of an ongoing Grand Water Trine as a stellium in Scorpio connects with Neptune and Lilith. Mercury and Lilith connect today and our words could sting. There’s great power behind our communication, but with great power comes great responsibility. The Cancer moon harmonizes with all of the water planets in our Grand Trine throughout the day- the sun, Neptune, Mercury and Venus. Our creativity is peaking and we can feel confident in our intuition. The moon meets up with Lilith, amplifying our sense of empowerment and embodiment. Today is a potent day to remember how powerful we truly are.

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11/14/22 ✨ Sun Trine Neptune & Mercury Sextile Pluto


11/12/22 ✨ Mercury Trine Neptune