11/11/22 ✨ New Beginnings, Magic, and Manifestation

✨ Happy Venus Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I believe in my dreams.

NUMEROLOGY: the number 11

In numerology, 11 is what’s called a master number. The number one represents beginnings; when it’s doubled, its energy is amplifies. 11 is known as the Visionary because it helps us tap into inspiration. It’s also called the ‘Psychic Master’ because it is tied to spirituality and psychic abilities. 11/11 is the number one magnified by four, making it an even powerful expression of this energy.

Today (11/11/22) is a 1 day, representing new beginnings or fresh starts. This is the most dynamic day in numerology to set plans into motion or begin a creation process.

SPIRITUALITY: the significance of 11•11

In the spiritual community, seeing or 11:11 represents a connection to the divine. It can be viewed as a wake-up code, reminding us of our place in the universe. Seeing 11:11 also indicates that whatever you were thinking or doing at that moment is supported by your guides.

Some believe 11/11 creates a gateway to the heavens, allowing us to download powerful light activation codes from the universe. It’s known to supercharge manifestations and harness the law of attraction.

The 11/11 portal is an opportunity to align to a higher vibration and step into the energy of what we want to manifest.


♏️ SUN SQUARE ♒️ SATURN (19º) 12:03 AM PT

We’re becoming consciously aware of the intense lessons and deep truths that surfaced during eclipse season. This harsh 90º square between the Scorpio sun and Saturn can make the weight of our responsibilities feel especially heavy today. Attitude is everything. Feeling trapped by boundaries or limitations could lead to feelings of resentment. Even small tasks could feel like major burdens. Our life force energy will feel stifled by Saturn’s limiting influence. The easiest way around this transit is straight through it. The positive potential of this aspect is strong determination and willpower to accomplish anything we set our mind to.

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The waning moon in Gemini enhances our ability to communicate our feelings. Our words are our greatest asset for release. Journaling our emotions or talking with friends can help us understand what’s being alchemized. The next few days bring an opportunity to mentally process the shifts and disruptions caused by the eclipse.

♊️ MOON SQUARE ♓️ NEPTUNE (22º) 1:00 AM PT

Confusion and delusion are possible as the moon squares Neptune overnight. Intense or surprising dreams are a possible side effect. Hold off on making any negotiations or agreements until later in the day.

♊️ MOON CONJUNCT ♊️ MARS rx (24º) 5:00 AM PT

Mars’ influence supercharges the Gemini moon, giving us plenty of energy to go after our goals today. Motivation is easy to come by, but restlessness is also par for the course. We are nurtured by moving quickly and taking action. Be careful of moving too quickly or jumping to conclusions. Anger is more difficult to suppress today.

♊️ MOON SQUARE ♓️ JUPITER rx (29º) 3:00 PM PT

Our restlessness reaches its peak this afternoon as the moon squares Jupiter with both planets at their last degree. We’ll feel especially impulsive, spontaneous, and overly optimistic. It’s easy to overdo it under this transit. Pace yourself. Over-exerting yourself now could make you burn out as soon as the moon enters Cancer.


The waning moon returns to its home sign of Cancer, allowing us to return home to our bodies and emotions. With the moon and sun coming into harmony, our feelings can flow more easily. We crave being home and connecting with people who feel safe. Our intuition is heightened over the coming days as well.




Welcome to the most powerful manifestation day of the year! 11/11 allows us to tap into our psychic abilities and envision new ideas, making it a potent day to declare our desires. And this year, 11/11/22 is a 1 day in numerology, marking the beginning of a new chapter. In the astrology forecast, we’re still feeling the benefits of an extended Grand Water Trine through the weekend, amplifying our intuition and creativity. But fair warning- a voice of doubt could pop up too as the sun is squaring Saturn today, bringing up fears and limiting beliefs. Use this transit to your benefit by leaning into determination and claiming responsibility for making dreams a reality. The Gemini moon meets up with Mars to begin the day, giving us a surge of energy. We have ample motivation to work with, but restlessness is expected too as the moon comes into a 90º angle to Jupiter. It’s all too easy to overdo it today… pace yourself. When the moon comes home to Cancer tonight, we can attune to our feelings more easily and find safety in our body.

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11/12/22 ✨ Mercury Trine Neptune


11/10/22 ✨ Grand Trine △ Venus, Neptune & Lilith