Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

5/23/24 ✨ Sagittarius Full Moon + Venus Enters Gemini

The Sagittarius Full Moon feels like the most joyous lunation of the year! As the moon enters Sagittarius, Venus meets Jupiter, amplifying our ability to experience love and pleasure. In fact, we may experience an almost overwhelming need to feel good today! Indulge in your senses and allow yourself to experience the freedom of having fun. Spontaneous adventure? Yes please! Moving our body is a powerful way to move through any restlessness or overexcitement. As the moon becomes full, she connects with alchemist Pluto, making transformation feel exciting. We can give gratitude for what has already fallen away and get excited about the space we’ve created for a new journey. Now is the time to rise and jump into the next chapter! As Venus enters Gemini this afternoon, we’re eager to connect with others and share our experienced. What a joy to be alive!

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/1/23 ✨ Venus Conjunct Jupiter

It’s a powerful day for big love and money moves, but over indulging comes all too easy! A meeting of Venus and Jupiter amplifies our ability to attract what we desire. Bold expressions of beauty, passionate declarations of love, and major money flows are possible. Optimism is abundant and good fortune is on our side! The Cancer moon squares this potent conjunction tonight, harmonizing with the Pisces sun at the same time. We’re quick to jump down a rabbit hole if we think it will lead to a pleasurable experience. Spontaneity and excess are par for the course- but watch yourself. Going overboard is in the forecast. When the moon squares Chiron late tonight, we could feel consequences from wishful thinking earlier in the evening.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

4/30/22 ✨ Solar Eclipse in Taurus

Saturday’s solar eclipse in Taurus is supercharged by a conjunction between Venus and Jupiter. Good fortune is on our side, creating potential for new opportunities. The energy of the Taurus moon allows us to draw physical resources to us with ease under this potent energy. And a meeting of the benefic planets (Venus and Jupiter) sets the stage for fated encounters or dreamy love connections.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

4/27/22 ✨ Venus Conjunct Neptune (and Jupiter)

A dreamy conjunction of Venus and Neptune in Pisces opens an ascension portal. With the planets of love and the planet of spirituality blending energies, we can open our awareness to universal support. Jupiter transits closely ahead, adding an element of luck and a desire for expansion. Collective consciousness is rising.

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