4/30/22 ✨ Solar Eclipse in Taurus

✨ Happy Saturn Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I am open to divine opportunities!



They call her Lady Luck! Expect abundance in relationships with Venus and Jupiter meeting in sensitive Pisces. This powerful backdrop for the solar eclipse could bring fated encounters. It will be easy to see the potential in partnerships and financial opportunities. Money flows with ease. Creativity is enhanced. Spiritual pursuits are favored. This transit brings a big dose of loving, optimistic energy!

**You can actually see this conjunction with your bare eyes in the early morning, just before sunrise on the Eastern horizon.


This is no ordinary new moon as the rays of the Taurus sun are partially blocked by the new moon in the same sign. This solar eclipse can create an abrupt new beginning or an exciting opportunity. We could find a new income stream or discover new value of some sort with the new moon falling in Taurus. This powerful lunation could cause rapid shifts in our physical reality. Don't be surprised if parts of the world experience wild weather or natural surges of energy.

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The new moon in Taurus brings our focus to the physical resources around us. We can bring in new energy through financial opportunities and tangible offerings. Saturday’s solar eclipse could give us a new lease on our values. The best way to use this energy is to ground ourselves and connect with the earth.

♉️ MOON SEXTILE ♓️ MARS (11º) 3:00 PM PT

The Taurus moon connects with Mars in Pisces, giving us motivation and drive. But the confidence we feel will be calm, cool, and collected, inviting us to go with the flow. If it doesn’t feel natural, don’t do it.


We could experience a surprise or disruption of sorts on Saturday night as the moon meets up with Uranus. It could feel like the earth is shifting under your feet. Change encounters and wild weather are possible. Expect the unexpected.


♓️ JUPITER SEXTILE ♑️ PLUTO (exact on 5/3)


Saturday’s solar eclipse in Taurus is supercharged by a conjunction between Venus and Jupiter. Good fortune is on our side, creating potential for new opportunities. The energy of the Taurus moon allows us to draw physical resources to us with ease under this potent energy. And a meeting of the benefic planets (Venus and Jupiter) sets the stage for fated encounters or dreamy love connections. The Taurus moon gets support from Mars, giving us motivation and stamina while also reminding us to direct our energy where it feels most natural. As the moon meets up with Uranus on Saturday night, it could feel like the earth is shifting under our feet. Stay open to surprises. Expect the unexpected.


You can scrub through the video at the top of the page for a more detailed breakdown on how the solar eclipse will affect each sign!✨

(refer to your rising or sun sign)

♉️ TAURUS: You are evolving. It’s time to step into the next version of yourself. Own your value. This is your time to shine, Taurus! Opportunities presented to you now could give you an entirely new sense of purpose.

♈️ ARIES: Expect abundance! This solar eclipse lights up your second house of physical resources and values. Cash is flowing to you! Acknowledge your own self worth to amplify the energy.

♓️ PISCES: Speak your desires into existence. The solar eclipse in your third house could spark an urge to learn something new. New information could enter your awareness. Your words hold great power. The focus is on communication.

♒️ AQUARIUS: Plant your feet on solid ground. This solar eclipse brings an opportunity to build a sturdy foundation for yourself. This is a powerful time to assess the beliefs you learned from the people who raised you and decide whether you want to pass them on or pave your own path.

♑️ CAPRICORN: Let your guard down and play! The solar eclipse in your fifth house calls for FUN! Allowing yourself to feel pleasure and joy will bring more of the high-vibe energy into your life. Release reason. The sillier, the better! Follow what lights you up.

♐️ SAGITTARIUS: Get your sh*t together. This is the time to take a look at your habits and make changes that will bring more stability and wellness into your life. Powerful realizations are possible about the routines you’ve been following (or lack thereof.) Getting organized can bring new opportunities for you.

♏️ SCORPIO: You don’t have to do it all alone. This solar eclipse lights up your house if partnerships, asking you to let down your guard and let people in. Luck in love is possible for you! But the opportunities extend beyond romance. Stay open to collaboration.

♎️ LIBRA: If it’s scary, you’re doing it right. With the solar eclipse falling in your 8th house of shadows, secrets, and mystery, there’s an opportunity to unpack anything that’s been hiding deep within. Bringing darkness into light can allow release and rebirth.

♍️ VIRGO: Get ready for expansion beyond measure. This solar eclipse allows your manifestations to come to fruition. This is a beautiful opportunity to embark on a new adventure or enroll in a new course. The possibilities are endless! Follow your curiosity.

♌️ LEO: You better WERK! The solar eclipse lands in your house of career and long-term goals. Opportunities for advancement are possible… maybe a promotion or new job offer?? You are easily able to tap into your own power and the people above you will certainly take notice.

♋️ CANCER: Let your people support you. This solar eclipse brings a beautiful potential to expand your community. You love taking care of others, Cancer, but this energy asks you to let others return the favor. Find people who share similar values as you.

♊️ GEMINI: Cut them off. Let it go. This solar eclipse could feel like an ending of sorts as it lights up your 12th house. There’s great potential for healing for you. You could be called to rest, relax, and shed old energy. Remember, new beginnings are often disguised as chapters closing.

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


5/1/22 ✨ Venus Sextile Pluto


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