1/27/22 ✨ Mercury Rx Trine N. Node

✨ Happy Jupiter Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I pull lessons from the past.



Mercury (retrograde) in Capricorn harmonizes with the North Node in Taurus. As we’re reflecting on our past, reassessing our long-term plans, and re-examining our fears, we can easily visualize our purpose under this aspect. This juxtaposition between the past and the future has been building over the past few days. It’s okay if you’re still trying to figure things out. After Mercury stations direct on February 3, it will make this same connection with the North Node again; and next time, we can expect clearer answers and lessons.

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The waning moon asks us to surrender and trust as we prepare for Monday’s new moon. When the moon is in Sagittarius, we feel more upbeat, adventurous, and spontaneous. New adventures can help you re-write old stories.


Jupiter Day begins with a square between the moon and Jupiter, activating our optimism. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, so this transit helps us start our morning with an extra pep in our step. We’ll feel extra energized and ready to take on the day. Just don’t over exert yourself this morning— overdoing it could drain your energy later in the day.


The moon and sun lock into a supportive aspect mid-day, giving us the courage to express our true selves. Our internal and external selves are working hand-in-hand, helping us feel confident and easily relate to others. The Sagittarius moon gives us the spunk to show up as the most authentic version of ourselves.


We end our Thursday with an awkward angle between the moon and Uranus. This transit could disrupt a good vibe or cause an energetic shift. It could also show up as a feeling of unease after a day full of uplifting energy.


During retrograde season, we’ve been prompted to reflect on our past and reassess our long-term plans. When Mercury retrograde harmonizes with the North Node today, we can easily understand why we’ve been doing all of this inner work. Our purpose becomes a little clearer and we can start to pull the lessons from any misunderstandings or mishaps that occurred over the past few weeks. The Sagittarius moon keeps the energy fun and optimistic! A square between the moon and Jupiter gives us a burst of energy early in the day. Support from the sun helps us feel more confident and show up authentically. We end our Thursday with an awkward angle between the moon and Uranus, which could bring a disruption to the good vibes of the day.

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1/28/22 ✨ Mercury Rx Conjunct Pluto


1/26/22 ✨ Venus Rx Trine Uranus