3/27/22 ✨ Mercury Enters Aries

✨ Happy SUN Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I channel passion through movement.


♓️ MERCURY ➡️ ARIES ♈️ (1:00 AM PT)

Them ‘re fightin’ words. That’s the mantra of Mercury in Aries… You really can’t blame the sign of the ram though. Aries energy likes to move fast and get to the point, and we’ll certainly feel that with quick thoughts and quicker words over the next few weeks. If there’s something you’ve been needing to say, it’ll be hard to hold back. Beware of being too impulsive or brash. Remember, not every conversation has to get heated. Expect rapid-fire communication.

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The waning moon in Aquarius makes us crave community and open to new experiences. But we could find ourselves a little stuck in our head or off in our own world. Expect the unexpected.

♒️ MOON SEXTILE ♈️ SUN (6º) 5:00 AM PT

We’ll wake up feeling confident and energized as the moon and sun lock into a supportive angle. We could wake up feeling a desire for excitement or a readiness to do something. Take advantage of the good vibes all morning long.

♒️ MOON SQUARE ♉️ URANUS (12º) 3:00 PM PT

When the moon squares off to Uranus in Taurus, we could experience a surprise or unexpected turn of events. This could look like an outburst of some sort that forces us to see a new perspective. Whatever this transit causes can provide insight if we don’t allow our emotions to get the best of us.

♒️ MOON CONJUNCT ♒️ MARS (16º) 10:00 PM PT

We end the weekend with a passionate conjunction between the moon and Mars in Aquarius. This energy gives us the strength and drive to move and the perspective to act in a different way than we’ve tried before. This transit can make us more impulsive or aggressive though… make sure new tactics don’t come across too boldly. One of the best ways to use this energy is to move emotion through exercise.


♒️ VENUS CONJUNCT ♒️ SATURN (exact tomorrow)


Mercury ends it’s dramatic streak with a bang as it enters fiery Aries. The energy should feel fairly high throughout the day. We can expect thoughts to come through more quickly and words to seem a tad bit more direct (ie. harsh) over the next two weeks. We start our Sunday with a supportive connection between the eccentric Aquarius moon and motivated Aries sun. But a square between the moon and Uranus could bring an upset our outburst this afternoon, especially as la luna approaches a conjunction to Mars. Passion could turn to aggression real quick. Channel excess energy through physical exercise.

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3/28/22 ✨ Venus Conjunct Saturn


3/26/22 ✨ Mercury Sextile Pluto