6/8/22 ✨ Moon Enters Libra

✨ Happy Mercury Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I am open to new energy.

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The Virgo moon makes us feel productive and capable of moving forward. We’re aware of the small details that make up the big picture. Avoid being critical and instead, ask how you can be of service.

♍️ MOON TRINE ♉️ MERCURY (27º) 3:00 AM PT

The moon harmonizes with Mercury overnight, brining through clear messages in our dreams. For those awake at this time, insights or ideas can come through with ease. This is a great time for analysis or grounding inspiration into reality. With Mercury in Taurus, we haven’t been quick to come to these realizations, but the final pieces of the puzzle are coming into place now.

♍️ MOON TRINE ♑️ PLUTO (rx) (28º) 5:00 AM PT

We start our morning under another earthy trine between the moon and Pluto (retrograde,) allowing transformational to happen as we analyze and review. It might seem like old habits are dying or situations are falling apart in order for new opportunities to be birthed. Trust.

🌓 MOON ➡️ LIBRA ♎️ (8:23 AM PT)

The waxing gibbous moon enters the balanced and fair sign of Libra on Wednesday morning, inviting us to play devil’s advocate and see another’s point of view. Relationships are our greatest emotional teachers. Weigh your own judgement against another’s before coming to conclusions.


The moon opposes Jupiter, tipping the emotionally balanced scales as we are drawn to excess. We’re more prone to sharing- whether we really want to or not. There’s a tendency to go overboard under this transit, but it can also help us call in abundant energy if we’re lacking.

♎️ MOON SQUARE ♋️ LILITH (6º) 8:00 PM PT

A square between the moon and Lilith brings out our need for sovereignty on Wednesday night. We could be a bit bitchy… or fully ready to unleash our wrath if someone questions our authority or value. Even passive aggressive comments could come across as full blown attacks. If channeled wisely, this energy can force us to claim our power and rise up.


Early morning insights are possible as the Virgo moon harmonizes with Mercury and Pluto. It could feel like you’re putting the final puzzle pieces together as you undergo your current transformation. Realizations can come through with ease. Trust that anything falling away is making way for something new to be born. The waxing moon enters the fair and balanced sign of Libra early in the day, helping us recalibrate and find center. Wisdom is gained through seeing another’s perspective now. The moon opposes Jupiter this afternoon, which can help us call in abundance as we move forward. But easy does it… we’re prone to going overboard under this aspect. By the end of the night, our feisty (or bitchy) side could come out as the Libra moon squares off to Lilith. Passive aggressive quips could escalate quickly…

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


6/9/22 ✨ Moon Trine Sun


6/7/22 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Virgo