8/11/22 ✨ Full Moon in Aquarius

✨ Happy Jupiter Day!



scroll to the bottom of the page for your full moon horoscope!


♉️ MARS SEXTILE ♓️ NEPTUNE rx (25º) 2:43 AM PT

Physical touch will feel especially divine, and even healing today, as Mars forms a sexy sextile to Neptune. The moves we make today are guided by a need to help others as we’re more empathetic and attuned to the energy around us. As we reflect on our own beliefs, we’re more willing to assert ourselves or stand up for what we believe in. Spiritual insights can cause a shift in our motivations.

♋️ VENUS ➡️ LEO ♌️ (11:30 AM PT)

Expect bold displays of affection as the planet of love, money, and beauty enters Leo. Flamboyant fashion looks are in. We're all feeling a little more "extra" with how we express ourselves. We're bold and confident when dealing with finances. And romance is definitely in the air! We'll enjoy performing for our loved ones, hyping them up, and showing off how capable we are. The more true we are to ourselves, the more magnetic we'll be to attract others. As Venus moves into Leo on the full moon, many relationships could reach a dramatic culmination point.



The Aquarius full moon illuminates how we connect with our community. There's a focus on the issues that affect the entire global network now. Expect to see more activism as our awareness is heightened. On a personal level, this full moon invites us to reflect on what makes us unique and how we contribute our individual perspective to the collective. How has your view shifted over the past six months since the new moon during Aquarius season? As we begin the process of release, we can let go of anything no longer serving our freedom and independence.


Uranus becomes the focal point of this full moon as it’s situated in a T-square between the moon and sun. This marks a pivotal change. The tension that has been building for the past two weeks can be released now- maybe even in dramatic fashion! Surprises and breakthroughs are possible… but so are mood swings and breakdowns. Avoid rebellious impulses reactions or swift movements- we’re prone to causing disruptions.

The North and South Nodes create a grand square, clashing with the full moon and causing tension between the past and the future. The North Node is the focal point of this configuration, asking us to keep our eyes on the future. But that makes the South Node the release point, asking us to let go of old stories and energy that no longer serves us.

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♒️ MOON SEXTILE ♈️ JUPITER rx (8º) 1:00 AM PT

The moon gets support from Jupiter overnight, helping us tap into subconscious abundance. Clear visions in our dreams can help us align with prosperity in our waking life. This transit can bring a new appreciation for the good fortune we’ve already experienced. Higher understanding is possible now.

♒️ MOON SEXTILE ♈️ CHIRON rx (16º) 2:00 PM PT

Healing is supported under this full moon as we ground new insights. The changes unfolding now are happening to help us see past pain in a new light.

♒️ MOON CONJUNCT ♒️ SATURN rx (22º) 11:00 PM PT

As the moon begins to wane, we could feel the weight of what we need to let go of. Fear, doubt, and negativity might feel palpable late Wednesday night. Density surfacing now is asking to be released. Be the observer of emotions- even uncomfortable ones.


Tonight’s Aquarius Full Moon creates pivotal changes and new perspectives. We can appreciate what makes us unique and how we can contribute our own visions to our community. What has manifested since February of this year? What are you ready to release to continue your evolution? This full moon makes powerful aspects, forming a grand square with Uranus and the North and South Nodes. This feels like a turning point for intense changes and breakthroughs, but the process likely won’t be comfortable. The full moon meets up with Saturn in Aquarius tonight, bringing up fears and doubts. Whatever negative emotions come up are ready for you to let go. Jupiter and Chiron are on our side today, making positive connections to this full moon and creating a potential for healing and higher understanding. Mars connects with Neptune too, helping us act from a place of compassion and faith. Venus moves into Leo this morning, amping up the drama over the next month! We’ll be bolder and more magnetic with love and money.


You can scrub through the video at the top of the page for a more detailed breakdown on how the full moon will affect each sign!✨

(refer to your rising or sun sign)

♒️ AQUARIUS: Step into the spotlight! Honor how much you've already grown as a person this year and celebrate what makes you unique.

♑️ CAPRICORN: Appreciate the abundance around you. Recognizing how much money you've made will help you call in even more of it!

♐️ SAGITTARIUS: Be open to unconventional discussions and ideas. Take everything you've learned so far and be willing to see it in a new light.

♏️ SCORPIO: Take stock of what has changed within your home this year. Celebrate what makes your family different from others.

♎️ LIBRA: This is the time to let your hair down and have a little fun! Try something different (or weird) to express yourself.

♍️ VIRGO: Check in with your habits. How has your daily routine evolved and what adjustments do you still want to make?

♌️ LEO: Your relationships are illuminated under this week's full moon. Appreciate the people who allow you to be your most authentic self.

♋️ CANCER: What shadows have come to light this year? Honor how much you've already let go. Make room for new growth.

♊️ GEMINI: You've learned a lot this year! Now is the time to share with others. Reflect on how far you've come and where else you want to go.

♉️ TAURUS: What goals have you already accomplished this year? Celebrate them! Being in the energy of success will invite more of it.

♈️ ARIES: Look around. Who are you surrounding yourself with? Recognize the people who just get you. Release anyone who makes you feel like you don't belong.

♓️ PISCES: You've been doing a lot of healing. Now is the time to rest. Sometimes, slowing down can help us close one chapter to make space for the next one.

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