9/10/22 ✨ Full Moon in Pisces

✨ Happy Saturn Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I am not my emotions.

scroll to the bottom of the page for your full moon horoscope!


🌕 FULL MOON IN PISCES ♓️ (17º) 2:58 AM PT

Let the water works flow! This full moon in Pisces allows for a flood of emotions to be released. Pisces' watery energy heightens our sensitivities. Not only can this provoke our feelings, but it can also make us aware of energy that can't be perceived with the naked eye. Psychic downloads can come through and visits from spiritual guides are possible. This full moon marks a culmination point of the insights that have come through over the past six months. Using all the spiritual tools we've gained this year, this full moon marks a moment to heal and release anything no longer serving our ascension.

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Our intuition is heightened and our direction is illuminated. The sensitive feelings surfacing under this full moon serve to show us the lessons we’re meant to learn and the energy we’re meant to embody.

♓️ MOON SEXTILE ♉️ URANUS rx (18º) 4:00 AM PT

Our psychic abilities are heightened under the Pisces moon and a sextile to Uranus allows insights to flow through. Changes and disruptions are possible now, but they’re here to support our release and ascension.

♓️ MOON CONJUNCT ♓️ NEPTUNE rx (24º) 2:00 PM PT

Our sensitivity peaks as the moon meets up with Neptune on Saturday afternoon. This is a powerful moment to use our imagination or meditate. Our third eye is activated, helping us tap into unconditional love and spirituality. But confusion and delusion are possible too. Things aren’t completely as they seem right now.

♓️ MOON SEXTILE ♑️ PLUTO rx (26º) 5:00 PM PT

The full moon’s final connection is a sextile to Pluto, allowing for one more transformative release. This feels like a purging energy. Whatever is coming up now can be washed down the drain to make room for new energy.

VOID MOON FROM 5:00 PM - 11:47 PM PT

The Pisces moon is void on Saturday night. You might find yourself getting sleepy early or craving rest. This is not the time to start anything new, but rather, seek relaxation.


Late night burst of energy? The moon moves into Aries overnight, bringing renewal and motivation. The moon is still in its releasing phase though, making movement a powerful asset for release. Sweat out any aggravation or aggression coming up now.




Whew! How about that Pisces Full Moon!!? We’re all feeling more sensitive and emotional, but with Mercury stationing retrograde at the same time, this energy can be a doozy! Confusion is not just possible… it’s likely for wires to get crossed today. The full moon made supportive connections to Uranus and the North Node overnight. If it feels chaotic, it’s probably leading to something greater than you can understand right now. The moon meets up with Neptune in Pisces on Saturday afternoon, adding another layer of fog. Creativity and imagination are heightened, but so is our ability to sense other people’s energy. Try not to misplace your beliefs. The final connection the full moon makes is a sextile to Pluto, helping us to lean into transformation and allow any stagnant energy to wash down the drain. We get a fresh start when moon moves into Aries late tonight.


You can scrub through the video at the top of the page for a more detailed breakdown on how the full moon will affect each sign!✨

(refer to your rising or sun sign)

♓️ PISCES: Celebrate how you've grown this year! You're in the spotlight this week. How are your relationships supporting this evolution?

♒️ AQUARIUS: Deep realizations might be surfacing now. The work you're doing on an energetic level will help you in the physical world. You're about to level up.

♑️ CAPRICORN: This is an expansive and adventurous time for you! Take a moment to journal about new experiences or call up a friend and share what you're learning along the way.

♐️ SAGITTARIUS: How's your work-life balance? In your quest for success, make sure you're creating space for family time too. Remember why you're working so hard.

♏️ SCORPIO: Feeling like getting a little wild? Let your creativity lead the way and bring along some friends for the ride. Full permission to have fun!

♎️ LIBRA: Your daily routine is illuminated this week. Even if you're not feeling 100%, find small ways to boost your health. A short walk or healthy meal could make a big difference.

♍️ VIRGO: How are you showing up, Virgo? Sure, you are excellent at meeting others' expectations, but what are you doing just for you?

♌️ LEO: Energy is everything. How are you spending yours? Reflect on your values and who you're sharing your resources with.

♋️ CANCER: You've been learning a lot this year. How can you share your wisdom with others who could benefit? Strike up a conversation.

♊️ GEMINI:.This week brings a moment to celebrate your success. But this doesn't just relate to work. Acknowledge your accomplishments at home too.

♉️ TAURUS: Find people who help you let loose this week. Your community is your greatest asset for having fun. Who are you surrounding yourself with?

♈️ ARIES: Your health is your wealth. Give yourself permission to rest this week. Small moments of mindfulness can have a big impact.

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


9/11/22 ✨ Sun Trine Uranus


9/9/22 ✨ Mercury Stations Retrograde