12/23/22 ✨ New Moon in Capricorn

✨ Happy Venus Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I am confident in my future.

scroll down for your new moon horoscope!



Just minutes before the new moon in Capricorn, Chiron stations direct. The Wounded Healer has been moving backwards in our night sky since July 19, asking us to review our healing and putting a spotlight on past traumas. Now that Chiron is resuming forward motion, we can move forward with what we’ve learned over the past six months and begin to help others in their healing too. With Chiron switching directions at the same time as the new moon, considering our healing journey in the intentions we set for the year ahead is favored.


The new moon in Capricorn marks the darkest moment of the year. This transit acts as a womb, reminding us all beautiful things are born out of darkness. We are asked to go within and find our inner sense of security. It's from this place that we can look to the new year and set long-term goals. This is the beginning of a new cycle; a new journey. At the beginning of Capricorn season, this new moon feels like standing at the base of a mountain and preparing to start a new climb. Plan, prepare, and take things one step at a time.

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♑️ MOON SQUARE ♈️ JUPITER (0º) 12:00 AM PT

The energy of the new moon is amplified by a square to Jupiter at 0º, making us feel eager and spontaneous. As we set intentions for the year ahead, we might feel like jumping head first into our goals. Remember- there’s no rush. Now is the time to plan rather than act.

♑️ MOON SQUARE ♈️ CHIRON (11º) 6:00 PM PT

Tension between the cold Capricorn moon and Chiron in Aries could push buttons on Friday night. Getting triggered is likely. Trying to push down emotions today will only make for bigger reactions during this transit. Witness irritations or wounds and address them as they arise. Lean into the practical energy of the Capricorn moon to handle pain points with maturity.


Friday night brings a shift in energy as the moon harmonizes with Uranus. With both planets in Earth signs, this transit brings grounded change and forward thinking. We’re invested in our future and excited about what’s to come.




Under the last new moon of the year, we can prepare for our success in 2023. The Capricorn moon helps us get real about our goals as we set our intentions and make a plan for how we’re going to achieve them. Chiron stations direct just minutes before this new moon, asking us to consider our healing as we envision the year ahead. This new moon also squares Jupiter, amplifying its energy. This transit could make us feel like jumping right in and getting a head start on our climb to success. But remember- slow and steady wins the race during Capricorn season. A square between the moon and Chiron on Friday night feels triggering. Trying to push down emotions will only cause bigger explosions during this moment. A late-night trine between the moon and Uranus creates a shift in energy and change of pace. It’s natural to feel excited about the weekend ahead!


You can scrub through the video at the top of the page for a more detailed breakdown on how the new moon will affect each sign!✨

(refer to your rising or sun sign)

♑️ CAPRICORN: This is your moment to step up and take the lead, Capricorn. Your sense of self is highlighted under the new moon. Give yourself credit for how much you’ve accomplished this year and envision who you want to become in 2023. TAROT PULL FOR YOUR SIGN

♐️ SAGITTARIUS: What’s truly important to you? Reflect on your values as you set intentions under this new moon. Remember, material abundance is only part of the equation, but it never hurts to call in a little more money and prosperity in the new year too! TAROT PULL FOR YOUR SIGN

♏️ SCORPIO: Your words are especially powerful under this new moon. Writing down intentions or speaking them aloud will make them more potent. Having conversations about 2022 can help you get clearer on your goals for the new year. TAROT PULL FOR YOUR SIGN

♎️ LIBRA: What would make you feel more secure in the new year? With this new moon landing in your 4th house, home and family are your focus. Capricorn season might force you to take a leadership role and create more safety for the people most important to you. TAROT PULL FOR YOUR SIGN

♍️ VIRGO: You’re no stranger to setting goals, Virgo, but under this new moon, it’s time to have a little fun too. Do something that makes your inner child happy. Games or creative projects can help you remember to pencil in some play while setting intentions. TAROT PULL FOR YOUR SIGN

♌️ LEO: What do you want your daily routine to look like in the new year? Get clear about the details. The new moon in your 6th house places emphasis on your health and wellness. Set intentions that support your longevity. TAROT PULL FOR YOUR SIGN

♋️ CANCER: It’s time to take the lead in your relationships. With the new moon in your 7th house, set intentions about how you connect with others. Spending quality time with the people who matter most to you could require a little structure in 2023. TAROT PULL FOR YOUR SIGN

♊️ GEMINI: The darkest point of the year invites you to go into your own depths, Gemini. It’s time to get more intimate with yourself and with others. As you look to the new year, think about which energetic connections you want to maintain through 2023 and release any bonds you no longer wish to engage in. TAROT PULL FOR YOUR SIGN

♉️ TAURUS: The bigger the goals, the better under this new moon! There are no limits to what you can manifest now! Think about all the ways you’d like to grow and expand in the new year and have faith that anything you envision is already on its way to you! TAROT PULL FOR YOUR SIGN

♈️ ARIES: The new year is just the beginning. Think long-term as you’re setting intentions under the new moon. Your career and success are top of mind. What stepping stones can you create in 2023 that can create a trajectory for achievement for many years to come. TAROT PULL FOR YOUR SIGN

♓️ PISCES: We aren’t meant to reach our goals all by ourselves. Take a look around tap into your network as you set your intentions. What new connections do you want to make in 2023? The people around you can help you innovate and see new perspectives. TAROT PULL FOR YOUR SIGN

♒️ AQUARIUS: As you look to the future, it will become very apparent what you need to let go of to reach your destination. The new moon in your 12th house invites release, rest, and healing. Be gentle with yourself and have compassion for others too. TAROT PULL FOR YOUR SIGN

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12/24/22 ✨ Mercury Sextile Neptune


12/22/22 ✨ Venus Trine Uranus