3/3/22 ✨ Venus + Mars Conjunct Pluto

✨ Happy Jupiter Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I witness my shadows with compassion.


♑️ MARS + ♑️VENUS CONJUNCT ♑️PLUTO (1:00 AM + 11:00 PM PT)

As the planets of love transit hand-in-hand through Capricorn, they have a mutual meet-cute with shadowy Pluto. As the planet of death and rebirth intensifies everything it connects with, our need for affection and motivation to express our desires will feel undeniable. This is a very unstable energy and it can cause power struggles or conflict. But with opposing energies- Venus and Mars- working together right now, we have a choice. We can choose love or we can choose anger. We can choose harmony or we can choose violence.

Pluto holds great power, giving weight to any decisions, conversations, or actions today. Pay attention to any transformations that have been happening in your relationship since Venus went retrograde back on December 19. Venus and Pluto are no strangers to one another. They formed back-to-back conjunctions on December 11 and Christmas Day, opening up a vault of repressed truths or desires. What has surfaced since then? Has it been fully excavated and transmuted? This conjunction brings a final opportunity to dig deep and let anything not serving you or your relationship fall away.

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The freshly new moon is still making its way through the watery sign of Pisces, asking us to feel and heal. Today is a beautiful day for reflection, but the moon still holds ample energy for manifestation and intention setting. Your emotions are your greatest guide today.


The moon meets up with Neptune overnight, giving us vivid dreams. Pay attention to any messages that came through while you were in a sleep state. Dreams can be your subconscious mind’s way of trying to bring repressed emotions to your attention. Meditation could also be a great way to use the energy of this transit on Thursday morning.


When the moon connects to the triple conjunction of Venus, Mars, and Pluto, we gain an emotional awareness of any repressed emotions or desires that might be surfacing. With the moon in Pisces, we’ll be especially sensitive to any intensity that arises today.

VOID MOON FROM 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

This afternoon is a time for rest and integration. Wait to start any projects if you want them to have a significant result. This could bring a calm opportunity to work through tension without the conversation ending in an all-out war.

🌒MOON ➡️ ARIES ♈️ (5:00 PM PT)

The moon moves into the first sign of the zodiac on Thursday night, bringing fresh energy and motivation. We’ll be ready to tackle projects and push ahead with full force come Friday. Pay attention to gut instincts or impulses. Channel any excess energy into physical movement.


Thursday’s transits come with a warning label- Don’t let your shadows take the wheel! With the planets of love (Venus and Mars) coming into a conjunction with Pluto, our desires will feel extremely intense. Power struggles are certainly possible if we don’t feel like our needs are being met. The Pisces moon keeps us in a heightened state of sensitivity. Pay attention to any vivid dreams you had last night as the new moon met up with Neptune- they could hold clues to any emotions you’ve been repressing. When the moon connects to today’s triple conjunction around noon, we have an opportunity to release anything we’ve buried deep in our subconscious. Just try to have love and compassion for yourself and others in the process. The moon enters Aries on Thursday night, giving us a fresh slate and renewed energy.

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3/4/22 ✨ Moon Conjunct Chiron


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