3/7/23 ✨ Saturn Enters Pisces DURING Full Moon in Virgo

✨ Happy Mars Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I am here to ground light.

scroll to the bottom of the page for your horoscope for each sign!


🌕 FULL MOON IN VIRGO ♍️ (16º) 4:40 AM PT

Spring cleaning anyone? The full moon in Virgo asks us to cleanse and purify as she begins her release. Pay attention to any patterns that are being illuminated. They can provide insight on what we're ready to let go of. This is also a time to break bad habits or align with a routine that’s going to keep you on the path towards your healthiest self in the Spring. We can see this full moon as a bridge between the etherial and the material, helping us ground insights and embody our higher self. Virgo is the sign of service. If you’re feeling emotionally overwhelmed under this full moon, focus on how you can help others through the work you’re doing on yourself. Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup!

♒️ SATURN ➡️ PISCES ♓️ (5:35 AM PT)

Who (or what) can you trust? Saturn ends its 3-year trek through Aquarius, embarking on a new journey through watery Pisces. With the planet of limitations in the sign of illusion and magic, our belief systems could be challenged. The obstacles Saturn places in our path over the coming years will test our faith, ultimately, making us more sure of the beliefs we are subscribing to. Religious institutions could crack (or crumble,) exposing deception or ill intentions among authority figures. We could also see reformation among prison & healthcare systems. Whatever lessons Saturn teaches us over the coming years will bring a new lease on healing and give us the push to bring our dreams of what the world can look like into physical reality.

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This full moon sets the stage for major shifts and changes. A harmonious aspect to Uranus opens us to excitement and innovation. New perspectives and paths forward are illuminated.

♍️ FULL MOON SQUARE ♊️ MARS (21º) 1:00 PM PT

A tense square between the moon and Mars makes for harsh reactions. With all of our emotions heightened, irritability and reactivity are par for the course. Try not to respond too quickly. Use the discernment of the Virgo moon to decided what’s really worth your energy.


By the end of the day, we can get caught up in a fantasy. An opposition between the moon and Neptune could feel like crashing hard against the pillow after the energetic high of the day.




Major energetic shifts make this a powerful day to find a connection between heaven and Earth. The full moon in Virgo acts as a bridge between the etherial and the material, allowing us to ground spiritual insights if we can be a clear channel for them to come through. Just an hour later, Saturn enters Pisces, beginning a new three-year era of finding a practical path forward to achieve our dreams. There’s a beautiful blend of imagination and reality today. But fair warning- emotions will be heightened under the full moon! A trine to Uranus generates excitement and anticipation, setting the stage for these cosmic changes. But this afternoon, the moon clashes with Mars, making us prone to be irritable, reactive, and harsh. By the evening, an opposition between the moon and Neptune makes dreamland seem enticing. It will be easy to drift off to sleep after the high energy all day.

*Ritual tip: Work with crystals, flowers, or plants to call in the element of Earth.


You can scrub through the video at the top of the page for a more detailed breakdown on how the full moon will affect each sign!✨

(refer to your rising or sun sign)

♍️ VIRGO: It’s a new dawn. It’s a new day. It’s a new chapter for you, Virgo! This full moon illuminates your next evolution, asking you to take all of the insights you gained over the last cycle and put them into action.

♌️ LEO: When you envision what you want to manifest, how are you using your abundance to serve others? How will you put it to use? Showing the universe a practical route for the energy you’re calling in can make it flow through more efficiently.

♋️ CANCER: Your words are your most powerful asset under this full moon. The words you’re writing and the conversations you’re having now are illuminating the aha moments you’re meant to have right now.

♊️ GEMINI: Finding safety can help you ground your ideas into reality. You’re no stranger to an active mind, Gemini, but this full moon bridges your brain with your body. Notice how your nervous system feels depending on where you are and who you’re with.

♉️ TAURUS: Creativity and passion are illuminated for you under the full moon, Taurus! Having fun and finding moments of playfulness could bring through new ideas and insights. Let it be pleasurable!

♈️ ARIES: How are your habits? This full moon brings a great opportunity to do a review of your daily routine. Release what no longer supports the vision you have for yourself. Small steps will snowball over time.

♓️ PISCES: Love is in the air as your relationships are illuminated under this full moon! If you’ve been dreaming of your soulmate, they could appear in your reality. Current relationships will benefit from acts of service and selflessness- just make sure you’re on the receiving end too!

♒️ AQUARIUS: Become the observer of your own depth and darkness under this full moon. As it shines light on your shadowy 8th house, it will become easier to see what’s been hiding in your subconscious. Stay curious and open to what’s there so you can release what you no longer want to be energetically connected to.

♑️ CAPRICORN: How high can you go? This full moon feels ambitious and exciting for you! Vision the ways you want to grow and expand in the cycle ahead. No dream is too big! The details will work themselves out.

♐️ SAGITTARIUS: What does success mean to you? Use the energy of the analytical Virgo moon to get clear on where you want to go. We can’t feel a sense of achievement if we don’t know what we’re aiming for.

♏️ SCORPIO: Surround yourself with people who notice the things you notice. Talking with people in your community could solidify the insights that are being illuminated for you now. Allow yourself to feel supported.

♎️ LIBRA: This is a powerful full moon for cleansing and releasing. Let go and let Goddess. Loosening your grip and allow for introspection. Slow down and prepare for your next evolution.

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


3/8/23 ✨ Lilith Square North Node


3/6/23 ✨ Sun Sextile Uranus