4/4/22 ✨ Mars Conjunct Saturn

✨ Happy Moon Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I navigate tension with grace and ease.


♒️ VENUS TRINE ♊️ LILITH (28º) 6:30 AM PT

Lovely Venus harmonizes with Lilith in Gemini, allowing us to align with our feminine power with ease. We can realize our deepest desires and express our authentic truth under this aspect. This transit could bring out our inner-rebel, especially if we feel we don’t feel we’re receiving the love or effort we think we deserve. We have a natural ability to stand up for our values, and doing so could create a shift in perspective.


The two malefic planets of the Milky Way meet up in a potent conjunction in Aquarius today. When the planet of aggression and the planet of lessons merge, we can expect to feel a little irritated. While Mars wants us to speed up and move forward, Saturn forces us to hit the brakes and acknowledge any roadblocks.

Our tendency will likely be to distance ourselves or find solitude if we’re finding it hard to ignore annoyances. Beware of moving too quickly or giving into impulses… they could lead to harsh lessons learned through aggression. We’ll also be quicker to choose anger during this transit.

A positive potential of this connection is the ability to push through to persevere in the face of a challenge. We’ll have the strength and maturity to be assertive and step into a leadership role if we’re called upon. Mars in Aquarius asks us to do things differently. There is a chance for breakthrough if we remain patient and open to learning.

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The moon is exalted in Taurus, helping us start the week in a grounded state. It might be a bit difficult to emerge from the cocoon of the weekend as the moon hangs out in the stubborn sign of the bull. We could find ourselves reaching for familiar comforts or focusing on our own nourishment.

♉️ MOON SQUARE ♒️ MARS (21º) 3:00 AM PT

The moon forms a harsh 90º angle to Mars to start the new week, creating an environment of irritability and impulse. We’ll be quick to anger if we’re emotionally provoked. If you happen to be sleeping during this transit, you might experience restlessness or an inability to fully relax.


The moon comes into another tense square with Saturn, forcing us to acknowledge our worries and doubts. While the moon forms a difficult angle to the great malefic of our solar system, it also makes a supportive connection to the great benefic, asking us to see opportunities for expansion in any challenges presented today.


Neptune’s dreamy influence can bring a dose of compassion to the tense energy of the day. We are more sensitive to others’ energy, giving us the ability to respond with empathy and understanding. However, with so much potential for irritation and conflict playing out among concurrent transits, this aspect is more likely to cause confusion or blur boundaries. Beware of making assumptions or projecting your own beliefs on a situation without having all the information.


As we wrap up a very eventful morning under the Taurus moon, we could realize a lesson or get a glimpse of our purpose. As the moon meets up with the North Node, our emotions align us on the path we are meant to walk in this lifetime.

♉️ MOON TRINE ♑️ PLUTO (28º) 5:00 PM PT

The Taurus moon gets a boost of intensity as it harmonizes with Pluto. This transit allows us to flow through transformation, but it can also give us a penchant for extremes. Rather than trying to force or control a situation, the energy of this transit can be best used when we apply little to no effort. Instead, if we open ourselves to vulnerable connection and become willing to face our own shadows, we could experience a breakthrough.

♉️ MOON SQUARE ♒️ VENUS (29º) 7:00 PM PT

The moon’s final connection in Taurus is a conflicting square to Venus, making us feel an intense need for affection or pleasure. We’ll crave comfort at all costs, although outside influences likely won’t create a relaxing environment. This aspect makes us very aware of disagreement or tension.

🌒 MOON ➡️ GEMINI ♊️ (8:00 PM PT)

The moon enters the intellectual sign of Gemini to end an extremely tense Monday. Over the coming days, we’ll feel more social and communicative. Under a Gemini moon, we’re nurtured by learning new information and sharing our knowledge with others. Talking or writing about our emotions can help us work through them.


♉️ NORTH NODE SEXTILE ♓️ NEPTUNE (exact on 4/14)


This Monday could feel incredibly intense as Mars and Saturn meet up in Aquarius. These two malefic planets are known for causing trouble on their own… when they join forces, be prepared for all-out war. Okay, that might be a bit dramatic… but we’re ALL more prone to irritation, frustration, and impulse. Venus and Liltih lock into a trine, adding fuel to the fire in the form of bold words and rebellious displays. The moon’s movement in Taurus only adds to the tension as it squares off to the Mars-Saturn conjunction. Luckily, support from Jupiter and Neptune give us the potential to see silver linings and lean into compassion. The moon is also meeting up with the North Node today, bringing us closer to our purpose. Harmonious energy from Pluto in Capricorn allows us to flow through transformation. There’s a LOT happening in Aquarius today, allowing us to see new perspectives and do things differently. What is your anger teaching you?

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