4/8/22 ✨ Mercury Sextile Mars

✨ Happy Venus Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I ride an energetic wave, letting my body lead the way.


♈️ MERCURY SEXTILE ♒️ MARS (24º) 11:18 AM PT

Expect an energetic boost as Mercury and Saturn lock into a supportive sextile! We can speak with confidence and authority under this transit. With Mercury in Aries, the energy has felt extremely busy over the past few weeks. The speed could peak today as Mercury gets an extra boost from energetic Mars, but we will likely have the drive to keep up. Our motivations could be a bit selfish as we check off our to-do list with both Mercury and Mars transiting through individualistic signs. We’ll be able to make a point today and we could even persuade others if we stand up for a cause we truly care about.

🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑



The Cancer moon invites us to return home to our body. Nourishing our vessel will help soothe our emotions. Pay special attention to what your body is asking. Attune to your emotional needs.

♋️ MOON SQUARE ♈️ CHIRON (12º) 9:00 AM PT

When the Cancer moon squares off to Chiron in Aries, our triggers could be unexpectedly provoked. We tend to be more emotional under the Cancer moon, making us more sensitive to our insecurities. It could be easy to put our guard up… or even lash out… if our buttons are pressed.

♋️ MOON SEXTILE ♉️ URANUS (13º) 11:00 AM PT

The moon gets support from disruptive Uranus on Friday afternoon, asking us to get excited for the weekend ahead. We could feel a bit restless and ready to shake things up or try something different. With Uranus in Taurus and the moon in Cancer, there’s a focus on the physical body with this transit. Trying new food or moving in a new way could satisfy the need for a thrill. Surprises are also possible.

♋️ MOON SQUARE ♈️ SUN (19º) 11:00 PM PT

The moon and sun clash in a harsh square on Friday night. With the sun in headstrong Aries, we can have the desire to keep the party going and push ourselves to our limits. But our body will likely start sending signals it needs rest and ask us to pump the breaks. Denying the body of what it needs could lead to crabbiness or event hostility.



♓️ JUPITER CONJUNCT ♓️ NEPTUNE (exact on 4/12),

♉️ NORTH NODE SEXTILE ♓️ NEPTUNE (exact on 4/14)


The pace has certainly been picking up with the sun and Mercury in Aries and it could feel like we hit a new high speed this Friday. Speedy Mercury and energetic Mars send supportive energy to one another, giving us the motivation and drive to power through our to-do list. There’s great power behind our communication today. The Cancer moon could remind us of our bodily limits though. We start our day with a square between the moon and Chiron, provoking our insecurities. By mid-day, we’'ll be looking to the weekend with excitement as the moon gets support from Uranus. But beware of overdoing it on Friday night. Depriving your body of rest or nourishment could result in crabbiness or exaggerated emotions.

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


4/9/22 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Cancer


4/7/22 ✨ Mercury Sextile Saturn