4/16/22 ✨ Full Moon in Libra

✨ Happy Saturn Day!

✨ scroll to the bottom of the page for your full moon horoscope! ✨

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I attract relationships that add value to my life.



The full moon in Libra illuminates our relationships, asking us to process our emotions through relating to others. This doesn’t just apply to romantic love, but friendships and partnerships as well. Our physical senses are heightened under the Libra moon, allowing us to remember the beauty in being human. Release can be found through sensuality. Where can you loosen your grip to find more balance?

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♎️ MOON TRINE ♒️ SATURN (23º) 6:00 AM PT

The Libra moon harmonizes with Saturn in Aquarius, forming an airy trine. This balanced connection gives us the maturity and authority to make decisions with ease and act from a place of responsibility. Seeking advice from an older family member or friend could prove valuable.


The moon makes an uncomfortable connection to Jupiter and Neptune, making it a little more difficult to look on the bright side this Saturday morning. Remember, everyone’s emotions are heightened under a full moon. Don’t lose faith if you hit a temporary hiccup.

♎️ MOON SQUARE ♑️ PLUTO (28º) 3:00 PM PT

The full moon clashes with Pluto in Capricorn, unearthing intense feelings we’ve kept buried down deep. This transit can bring power struggles, anger, and manipulation. Relating to others isn’t always easy, even under a Libra moon. This can feel like a sudden purge of emotions, ultimately helping us release what’s no longer serving us. We just might have to deal with a messy situation first.

🌕 MOON ➡️ SCORPIO ♏️ (5:23 PM PT)

The moon dives into Scorpio on Saturday night, allowing us to sit with our shadows and investigate them. Examining what we’ve been hiding from others (and ourselves) can help us release as the moon enters its waning phase over the coming two weeks. What are you energetically tied or committed to that is no longer supporting your mission in this life? How can you cut ties to allow new energy in?

♏️ MOON TRINE ♓️ MARS (1º) 8:00 PM PT

The Scorpio moon harmonizes with Mars in Pisces on Saturday night, giving us a surge of inspiration and motivation. We might feel a creative impulse. Dancing, singing and listening to music are all highly favored under this aspect. If you’re experiencing intense emotions, moving your body or making art can help process them. Sex can be a powerful form of release.




Saturday’s full moon in lovely Libra illuminates our relationships. Being around others and sharing what’s on our heart can help us process our emotions under this powerful lunation. Although the airy Libra moon can make us indecisive or prone to people pleasing, a harmonious connection to Saturn helps us stay grounded and act with authority. This full moon also forms a T-square to Pluto in Capricorn, marking a pivotal moment in our transformation. Intense emotions could surface in order to be released. This is also the last full moon before eclipse season- if you enjoy full moon rituals or manifestation, this is a great opportunity to do them before we experience back-to-back eclipses in Scorpio and Taurus. The moon dives into shadowy Scorpio and forms a flowing angle to Mars on Saturday night, asking us to go deep and experience emotions through creation and movement.


You can scrub through the video at the top of the page for a more detailed breakdown on how the full moon will affect each sign!✨

(refer to your rising sign!)

♎️ LIBRA: This full moon in your first house marks a return to self. It could feel like you’re starting a new chapter or finding renewed purpose. Celebrate you under this lunation and how much you’ve grown over the past cycle. You might even discover a new aspect of your identity.

♍️ VIRGO: Celebrate the abundance you’ve brought into your life over the past cycle, Virgo! Luxuriate in the physical comfort you’ve created for yourself and reflect on your values. This could be a time to release anything that’s not aligning with what’s important to you and align with the energy you want to call in.

♌️ LEO: This full moon marks a moment of integration for you, Leo risings! Even lighthearted conversations can bring a major perspective shift. Speaking or writing can be a powerful way to work with this full moon. Reflect on what you’ve learned over the past cycle. Communication is key.

♋️ CANCER: The Libra full moon puts the focus on your family. This is a time to find balance between your home life and your work life. Your comfort zone can feel especially nurturing. Be gentle with yourself (and your body) and create a safe space to connect with the people you love the most.

♊️ GEMINI: Have fun with this full moon! As the Libra moon transits through your 5th house, you social nature gets an extra boost. Let your inner-child out to play. Reflect on what brings joy into your life and release anything that no longer lights you up. This is a time to get excited and follow your heart!

♉️ TAURUS: This full moon lands in your 6th house of health, wellness, and routines. How can you create more ease in your life through your daily habits? Reflect on work-life balance and release any commitments no longer bringing value into your life.

♈️ ARIES: The Libra full moon lights up your house of relationships, reminding you of the power of teaming up with others. Find the people who support your mission and help you find more harmony in life. But also- ask how you can add more value to current partnerships too. Any imbalances in current relationships will be illuminated under this lunation.

♓️ PISCES: All the feels for you, Pisces! With so much activation in your first house, you might feel confusion around your sense of self right now. With the full moon moving through your 8th house, this is a good time to set boundaries and protect your energy. It might be time to cut energetic bonds that are draining you. Protect your magic and claim your power.

♒️ AQUARIUS: This is an especially expansive full moon for you, Aquarius! This is the time to level up. Appreciate how much you’ve learned over the past cycle and reflect on how you can share your knowledge with others. No dream is too big to manifest under this full moon!

♑️ CAPRICORN: Celebrate how much you’ve achieved over the past cycle, Capricorn. Take stock of how much energy you’re devoting to your long-term goals and where you can create more ease. This is also a time to lean into diplomacy and kindness. Befriending a colleague (or boss) could open doors for you professionally.

♐️ SAGITTARIUS: Find your people, Sag! You’re already a social butterfly, but this full moon invites you to be more intentional about the connections you’re making. Reflecting on your own values can help you befriend like-minded people. This is also a powerful opportunity to find common ground in current friendships or partnerships that might be off balance.

♏️ SCORPIO: Let go and let it flow, Scorpio. The Libra Full Moon is especially cleansing for you, Scorpio. As we prepare to enter eclipse season, some major shake-ups could be coming your way. This is the time to wipe the slate clean and heal any unresolved issues. A spiritual practice might feel especially nurturing under this moon.

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