5/31/22 ✨ Lilith Square Mars

✨ Happy Mars Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I listen to the demands of my body.


♈️ MARS SQUARE ♋️ LILITH (5º) (5:29 PM PT)

Mars in motivated Aries clashes with Lilith in nurturing Cancer, creating conflict between our masculine and feminine energies. While Mars in Aries gives us the impulse to push forward and take what’s ours, Lilith in Cancer urges us to listen to our bodily needs and rise up in our divine feminine power. This 90º square can create aggression and bitchiness. Beware of exhausting your body or denying your own needs. We are quick to anger if we feel agitated or depleted today.

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The Gemini moon keeps the pace fast and the energy high. We’re all feeling more social and talkative under this lunation. Possibilities are endless under the new moon and ideas are plenty! This is prime time for a brainstorm sesh.


The moon and Saturn lock into a harmonious trine, giving us patience and allowing us to express ourselves with maturity and common sense. But a harsh square between the moon and Neptune clouds our judgement and creates confusion or exhaustion. Slowing down is inevitable under this transit. A mid-day siesta might be just what the doctor ordered.

♊️ MOON QUINCUNX ♑️ PLUTO (28º) 7:00 PM PT

The moon makes an uncomfortable connection with Pluto on Tuesday night, showing us what adjustments we need to make to realign with the transformation we’ve been walking through. The busy-ness of the Gemini moon might have created a distraction from the deep, emotional work we’re involved in. Whatever we need to release will become clearer when the moon opposes Pluto later in the week.

🌒 MOON ➡️ CANCER ♋️ (10:49 PM PT)

The waxing moon enters its home sign of Cancer, marking a return home to our emotions. We are nurtured by our home and family when the moon is in the sign of the crab, bringing out our own caring nature. Pay special attention to your bodily needs over the coming days.


Slow down, you crazy child! The Gemini New moon has kept us busy and social, but a square between masculine Mars and rebellious Lilith could cause burnout. Mars in Aries wants us to keep pushing forward, but Lilith in Cancer brings our attention to the ways our body is being ignored. We’re easily triggered under this aspect- beware of lashing out due to exhaustion or overwhelm. The Gemini moon connects with Saturn and Neptune this afternoon, slowing us down. A mid-afternoon nap could be in order. The waxing moon makes its homecoming into Cancer late tonight, inviting us to return home too. We’re nurtured by our family and our comfort zone over the next few days. Pay special attention to what signals your body is sending.

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


6/1/22 ✨ Venus Sextile Lilith


5/30/22 ✨ New Moon in Gemini