10/26/22 ✨ Mercury Trine Mars

✨ Happy Mercury Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I know my power.


♎️ MERCURY TRINE ♊️ MARS (25º) 8:36 PM PT

Mercury and Mars begin to dance in a trine with one another, bringing bold expression and mental energy. We can confidently share what’s on our mind now, making this an opportune transit for public speaking. With this harmonious connection in air signs, there’s a focus on relating to others through our ability to communicate. We could experience an influx of ideas or a motivation to get other peoples’ opinions during this transit as well. Our mindset benefits from positive energy and collaboration.

We last experienced this transit as Mars was entering its shadow period. These two planets lock into a 120º again for a brief moment before Mars stations retrograde this weekend.

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The new moon in Scorpio catapults us into a deeply transformative eclipse season. Rather than looking at this as a new beginning, we can see it as the beginning of the end. This opens a cycle of release and shedding, clearing away anything holding us back from sustainable growth.

♏️ MOON OPPOSITE ♉️ URANUS rx (17º) 6:00 AM PT

Our day begins with an urge for excitement. We’re drawn to anything thrilling or different today. We might even find ourselves attracted to eccentric people. Any sort of code to crack or mystery to solve will feel especially exciting. But if we’re not stimulated enough, this transit also brings the potential for mood swings and disruptions.

♏️ MOON TRINE ♋️ LILITH (21º) 1:00 PM PT

We’re deeply tapped into our power as the moon makes a harmonious connection to Lilith. But there’s a fine line between confidence and control. Watch for bitchy tendencies. When in doubt, claim your sovereignty and remember it’s not your job to prove anything to anyone.

♏️ MOON TRINE ♓️ NEPTUNE rx (23º) 4:00 PM PT

Creativity and imagination are easy to come by when the moon makes a 120º aspect to Neptune. We’re hardwired into our intuition now and we can easily sense even the subtlest energetic shifts. Let go and flow with whatever is unfolding now. Trust you are being guided.

♏️ MOON SEXTILE ♑️ PLUTO (26º) 10:00 PM PT

If we lean into discomfort, transformation can happen more effectively. This connection between the moon and Pluto reminds us that embracing the dark can help release fear. This is a moment of empowerment.




The word of the day is empowerment. Mercury and Mars harmonize, giving us mental determination and focus. Our words are powerful, helping us relate to others and step into a leadership role. You might even find yourself thinking powerful thoughts! The new moon in Scorpio marks the beginning of the end. We’re stepping into an intense transformational cycle. Surrender and then surrender a little more. We’re not in control during eclipse season. The moon opposes Uranus, making us excited to try a different approach this morning. But be careful- our need for a thrill could cause disruptions too. Harmonious connections to Lilith and Neptune throughout the afternoon help us balance intensity and compassion. We can find empowerment through sensitivity and confidence through creativity. We end the night with a supportive aspect between the moon and Pluto, asking us to face our fears and lean into the darkness ahead.

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10/25/22 ✨ Scorpio Solar Eclipse