10/28/22 ✨ Sagittarius Moon

✨ Happy Venus Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I find clarity in moments of stillness.

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The waxing crescent moon in fiery Sagittarius gives us a spark of optimism about what is to come in this cycle. We can plan and prepare with an adventurer’s heart. Gratitude is a powerful way to tap into the Sagittarius energy. We’ll feel more social and generous over the coming days.

♐️ MOON SEXTILE ♒️ SATURN (18º) 11:00 AM PT

Our Friday begins with a sense of responsibility as the moon connects with Saturn. This transit helps us prepare for the weekend ahead. Saturn helps us keep our senses about us while the Sagittarius moon gives us the optimism and energy we need to get sh*t done.

♐️ MOON SQUARE ♓️ NEPTUNE (22º) 5:00 PM PT

The moon clashes with Neptune on Friday evening, causing confusion or even sleepiness. A quick nap could be in order. On the other hand, it’s easy to be convinced or deceived under this 90º angle- especially with the moon in happy-go-lucky Sagittarius. Read the fine print and think things through before saying yes.

♐️ MOON OPPOSITE ♊️ MARS (25º) 10:00 PM PT

Our energy picks back up late Friday night as the moon opposes Mars. This aspect makes us restless and impulsive- watch yourself! It’s easy to get carried away. Anger, annoyance, and irritation could pop up as well. When in doubt, slow down. This is not the time to take rash action.


We get a break from major cosmic events this Friday, but the waxing crescent moon in Sagittarius keeps the energy high! The moon connects with Saturn mid-day, helping us tap into responsibility and check off our to-do list before the weekend begins. Saturn’s influence helps us keep a slow and steady page while the fiery Sagittarius moon gives us optimism and confidence. But confusion (or sleepiness) could set in by the evening when the moon clashes with Neptune. It could be easy to be convinced to sign onto plans you don’t truly feel excited about. Take time to think things through before saying yes. By late Friday night, the energy picks up. An opposition between the moon and Mars makes us restless and impulsive. Irritation or even anger could pop up. Watch yourself and slow down if you’re feeling tension!

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


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