11/23/22 ✨ New Moon in Sagittarius + Jupiter Stations Direct

✨ Happy Mercury Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I have faith my intentions will manifest in divine timing.



Manifestation! Belief! Abundance! The first new moon after eclipse season marks a powerful opportunity to manifest. With the moon in the sign of optimism and good fortune, having faith in the Universe becomes a little easier. From this place of belief, we can charge our intentions with positive energy. This moon begins a cycle of greater understanding and adventure. Opportunities that expand our awareness will be amplified. Dream big! Anything is possible over the next four weeks!


Just moments after the New Moon in Sagittarius, Jupiter stations direct. Jupiter's retrograde began on the Leo New Moon. Now, four moon cycles later, the planet of abundance, optimism, and good fortune resumes forward motion. In the past four months, we've been reviewing our growth and reexamining our faith. Now, we can take what we've learned and continue the process of expansion. Jupiter feels right at home in Pisces, allowing us to dream big and believe in magic. All we have to do is trust in a plan greater than our understanding and abundance will flow through naturally.

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The dark moon in Scorpio gives us a final opportunity for release. Any lingering shadows, darkness, or unresolved emotions could surface to be purged. This transit feels like permission to let it all go so we can more easily align with the optimism of Sagittarius season. Surrender.

♏️ MOON TRINE ♋️ LILITH (24º) 3:00 AM PT

We’re tapped into our power as the moon harmonizes with Lilith. The untamed darkness within us can easily rise up to be expressed. Watch out for the tendency to be bitchy though!

♏️ MOON SEXTILE ♑️ PLUTO (26º) 6:00 AM PT

A connection between the moon and Pluto supports us in our final release of this moon cycle. We are understanding what is being left behind in order for us to fully step into our next version. This helps us embrace the death and rebirth process.

♏️ MOON TRINE ♓️ JUPITER rx (28º) 9:00 AM PT

The moon and Jupiter harmonize with each other just a few hours before the planet of abundance stations direct. This is a moment to reflect on how much we’ve grown through recent transformation. This flowing connection to Jupiter feels like reassurance that the best is yet to come.

VOID MOON FROM 9:00 AM - 12:16 PM PT

The moon is void for a brief window. Take this time to slow down and prepare for the next chapter.


We can expect to feel more social and optimistic over the coming days as the new moon moves through Sagittarius. Expect positive vibes this Thanksgiving. You might be feeling more outgoing and adventurous as well.




The New Moon in Sagittarius marks an abundant new beginning and a potent opportunity to manifest! This is the first new moon following an intense Scorpio season and eclipse portal. If the past cycle brought up darkness or fear, this is the light to follow. Under this new moon in the sign of the archer, we can envision our intentions launching into the future like an arrow being released from a bow. Faith, optimism, and good fortune are easy to reach for. Just five minutes after the new moon, Jupiter stations direct, amplifying the energy of growth and expansion. We can take everything we’ve learned and resume forward motion. Expect positive vibes and abundant opportunities in the coming weeks! If we believe it, we can receive it!


You can scrub through the video at the top of the page for a more detailed breakdown on how the new moon will affect each sign!✨

(refer to your rising or sun sign)

♐️ SAGITTARIUS: It’s your time to shine, Sagittarius! Your innate ability to be optimistic is enhanced under this new moon. Envision the next version of who you’re becoming and step forward with confidence.

♏️ SCORPIO: It’s manifestation season, baby! Reflect on your values and get specific about what you want to call in. Believe it to receive it!

♎️ LIBRA: What do you want to learn? The information coming to you now will be especially expansive. Keep an open mind and expect growth. The conversations you’re having now could lead to good fortune as well.

♍️ VIRGO: You might not even need to leave the house to experience growth in the upcoming season. Your home and family benefit from the abundant vibes of this new moon. What can you share with the people you consider family.

♌️ LEO: This Sagittarius season is all about having fun for you, Leo! Don’t be afraid to bring the party. You have the ability to enhance the vibe of a room just by stepping into it. Play, be silly, be creative, and get others involved too!

♋️ CANCER: This new moon marks a powerful opportunity to set intentions around your health and wellness. What does your daily routine look like? Start with one small adjustment and you might be surprised by how easily the rest manifests!

♊️ GEMINI: Expect expansion in relationships! Luck is on your side if you’re looking to meet someone new. Currently coupled? This new moon could take things to the next level.

♉️ TAURUS: Sagittarius season marks a period of deeper awareness for you. Profound realizations and intense truths could be revealed. Instead of fearing the darkness, envision the light that will follow. You are taken care of.

♈️ ARIES: All the expansion for you, Aries! Travel! Enroll in a course! Go on an adventure. There are plenty of growth opportunities presenting themselves to you now. All you have to do is say yes!

♓️ PISCES: The Sagittarius New Moon could bring a promotion or advancement in your career. Take a moment to revisit your long-term goals. They could manifest faster than you think…

♒️ AQUARIUS: Your network is growing this Sagittarius season! Looking for a new crew? Call it in. Set intentions about the kind of people you want to surround yourself with. Stay open to new connections. This is a powerful time to make new friends.

♑️ CAPRICORN: Abundance is waiting, but first, you must surrender to a plan greater than your understanding. Let go of what you think the journey should look like. Remember, you’re not in control. Have faith it’s all working out in your favor.

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


11/24/22 ✨ An Abundant Thanksgiving


11/22/22 ✨ Sagittarius Season Begins