12/7/22 ✨ Full Moon in Gemini

✨ Happy Mercury Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I see what has been hidden.

scroll to the bottom of the page for your full moon horoscope!


🌕 FULL MOON IN GEMINI ♊️ (16º) 8:07 PM PT

The full moon in Gemini illuminates what we're learning and who we're connecting with. We'll feel social and outgoing, eager to spark conversations and share information with others. This full moon is especially powerful for friendships. Our network is our greatest asset under this lunation. We have an enhanced ability to adapt to whatever environment we find ourselves in, marking an auspicious window to meet new people and try new things. We crave stimulating environments where there's something new to observe and learn.

♐️ SUN OPPOSITE ♊️ MARS rx (16º) 9:41 PM PT

The sun opposes Mars, bringing the Red Planet to its brightest illumination since 2020. This also marks the halfway point of Mars’ retrograde, putting a powerful emphasis on reviewing our motivations and actions. This is a moment to reflect on the questions asked at the beginning of Mars retrograde, like, What do I want? and Where am I going? Recent conflict or agitation could be illuminated as well, revealing deeper desires. Power struggles are possible if we’re unwilling to be direct or honest.

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♊️ MOON SEXTILE ♈️ CHIRON (12º) 1:00 PM PT

A sextile between the moon and Chiron in the hours leading up to the full moon helps us leaning into the healing potential of this transit. Triggers could be provoked to show us what wants to be released under this moon.

♊️ MOON CONJUNCT ♊️ MARS rx (16º) 9:00 PM PT

The moon conjoins Mars as it reaches peak illumination, but this isn’t just any conjunction. This transit is considered an occultation because the full moon will pass over Mars, blocking out the red planet completely for about an hour. When the moon and Mars meet in the sky, a purge of emotions is likely; and with Mars hiding during this full moon, hidden emotions beneath our motivations could suddenly be revealed. We might also have an intense urge to take action or do something. Watch a tendency towards aggression or anger if big emotions come up.




It’s the last full moon of the year and this one packs a punch! The Gemini full moon illuminates what we’ve been learning and the connections we’ve been making. Information can come to light and realizations are possible under this moon- especially because of the major role Mars is playing. The moon passes in front of Mars as the sun opposes them both, marking a peak moment of polarity. With Mars hidden behind the moon for about an hour tonight, underlying feelings behind our motivations can be revealed. Emotional purges are possible. Lean into the restless energy by moving your body or taking some sort of action- just be careful not to be too impulsive. Finding a healthy outlet is vital to avoid conflict or aggression.

*Ritual tip: Use your words under this full moon. Write out what you need to release in order to align with what you truly desire.


You can scrub through the video at the top of the page for a more detailed breakdown on how the full moon will affect each sign!✨

(refer to your rising or sun sign)

♊️ GEMINI: You’re in the spotlight this full moon, Gemini! Reflect on how much you’ve grown as a person this year. Don’t be afraid to shine your light.

♉️ TAURUS: How have your values shifted this year? This is a powerful time to clear clutter and release anything physical that no longer aligns.

♈️ ARIES: How are you communicating? Conversations might feel triggering. Use any irritations to gain awareness about your ability to express yourself. Reclaim your voice.

♓️ PISCES: Talks with family could be cathartic under this full moon. Unconscious generational patterns could be revealed. Cleaning out your house is a powerful way to work with the energy.

♒️ AQUARIUS: Your inner child might be screaming for attention under this full moon. You might even find yourself revisiting unaddressed anger or aggression from your childhood. Find a healthy outlet for irritation. Revisit a hobby or interest that lights you up or get creative.

♑️ CAPRICORN: Realizations about your health are possible. Review your routine. How are you self-sabotaging? It’s time to release any habits that are damaging your wellbeing.

♐️ SAGITTARIUS: A review of your closest relationships is in order. How are your partnerships serving you? How are you serving them? Talking with lovers and friends could reveal ulterior motives.

♏️ SCORPIO: Hidden information could surface during the full moon. Your inner detective could serve you well as you go deep to uncover new intel. Look within rather than trying to solve mysteries about others.

♎️ LIBRA: Reflect on all the ways you’ve expanded your mind this year. Sharing what you’ve learned with others can help you realize just how much you’ve grown.

♍️ VIRGO: What does success mean to you? Review the deeper motivations behind your long-term goals. At the same time, give yourself credit for how much you’ve already learned and accomplished.

♌️ LEO: Connect with your community. Start a group chat or reach out to an old friend. Seeing yourself reflected through conversations with others can help you better understand your own feelings.

♋️ CANCER: This full moon feels like a big release. What thoughts or beliefs are you ready to let go of? Using your words (talking or writing) can be an especially powerful form of catharsis.

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12/8/22 ✨ Moon in Gemini


12/6/22 ✨ Mercury Enters Capricorn