5/19/22 ✨ Sun Trine Pluto + Mercury Rx Sextile Jupiter

✨ Happy Jupiter Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I love who I am becoming.


♉️ SUN TRINE ♑️ PLUTO (28º) 5:10 AM PT

The Taurus sun harmonizes with Pluto in Capricorn, giving us great power and influence today. Not only can we make an impact on others, but we can experience profound transformation on our own too. As the sun shines light onto the changes happening beneath the surface, we can gain a conscious awareness of our personal transformation. This is a moment of realizing our own power. This can be the moment of rebirth.

♊️ MERCURY (rx) SEXTILE ♈️ JUPITER (2º) 6:32 PM PT

Flighty Mercury fans the flames of Jupiter in Aries, expanding upon the realizations we’ve been having. This transit feels like putting a magnifying glass over the patterns we’ve been reviewing during Mercury’s backspin. We could gain great insight if we follow our curiosity and reflect on what we truly want in the next chapter.

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The Capricorn moon makes us feel a bit more reserved and serious. The moon is in its weakest position in Capricorn, distancing us from our intuition. But this allows us to experience life through a more practical lens, making us more responsible and mature.

♑️ MOON SQUARE ♈️ CHIRON (14º) 4:00 AM PT

The moon squares off to the wounded healer first thing Thursday morning. Old wounds could be provoked by new triggers. Don’t be surprised if people’s reactions are more harsh or cold under the Capricorn moon.

♑️ MOON TRINE ♉️ URANUS (15º)6:00 AM PT

The moon and Uranus lock into an earthly trine, setting the stage for excitement and change. Exciting opportunities and chance encounters are possible. Plans could shift for the better. Staying open and allowing will lead to the highest outcome.


Our cold emotions clash with the fiery need for pleasure as the moon and Venus come into a tense 90º angle. We can be over-indulgent in our own desires or especially needy or demanding of others. This could create rocky moments in relationships- especially if we lets the emotionally distant energy of the Capricorn moon take over.

♑️ MOON TRINE ♉️ NORTH NODE (22º) 6:00 PM PT

The moon harmonizes with the North Node in Taurus on Thursday evening, helping us to easily see the direction we’re heading. The Capricorn moon helps us think long-term and it’s fortunate angle to the North and South Nodes lights the path ahead.

♑️ MOON SEXTILE ♓️ NEPTUNE (25º) 10:00 PM PT

The Capricorn moon gets support from Neptune in Pisces, softening our approach and helping us lean on compassion and empathy. We can be more fluid and imaginative. Many will probable experience vivid dreams tonight.


We could go from feeling sleepy to getting a boost of energy in the middle of the night as the moon connects with Mars in a supportive 60º angle. Dreams could even be especially intense or aggressive. In other parts of the world, this makes for an excellent transit to wake up to.




We can start to see our post-eclipse transformation more clearly now. The Taurus sun forms an earthy trine to Pluto, shining light on transformation. This is a moment of realizing our own power- a moment of rebirth. Mercury backs into a supportive aspect with Jupiter, expanding reflections and realizations. The Capricorn moon makes many connections throughout the day, starting with a square to Chiron, which could push our buttons. A trine to Uranus and square to Venus make us crave pleasure and excitement. We end the day with the cold Capricorn moon getting support from Neptune, helping us lean into compassion and imagination. Don’t be surprised if you get a late-night burst of energy as the moon connects with Mars, though!

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


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